yeonjoonhong / 2-Asians-2-Indians

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Final Review Ticket (Yeonjoon Hong [peer graded by Rohan Nallapati]) #9

Open yeonjoonhong opened 2 years ago

yeonjoonhong commented 2 years ago

Yeonjoon Hong - Final Grade: 9.3/10 (see below)

final video (group):

Pbl Individual Final - Yeonjoon: Video: n/a (working on it)

MVC / Async component for planning notecards (aligns with school/educational content)

Commits: Async Commit:

PBL Wiki:

Self evaluation: I think I did an overall job with the mvc and async operations with my planning notecards. My code took me a long time and I feel like it demonstrates my understanding of the concept and learning of java script. With reflection, I realize that I definately need to work on formatting with html, sometimes i've had errors that I've had to overcome which I'm proud of; however, I think I need to make more reliable and concise code so that I don't get too confused.

Peer Review:


Individual Final Video:

macddmac commented 2 years ago

Final Score: 9.3/10



Group - PBL Github Pages, Jekyll, WIKI - Live review

PBL theme consistent through project and described in Github Pages

Runtime Features shown in 1 minute video

Total: 9.3/10

Feedback: Individual progress is there, many commits toward completing MVC goal. The video doesn't go too in depth on what you completed and it's functionality so I took off half a point for that. Your database search isn't up to par, could be more intuitive for the user. I took off 0.2 for search for that reason. Overall there is a lot of work that went into completing your async operation and you did a good job supporting your group throughout the past weeks. Some things that could be improved are the SCSS behind the website and the functionality of a few of your key features. The website uses a lot of CSS for the pages, but could be made better with a more concrete SCSS file. Also, your website's goal is not very fleshed out, but as you have moved around groups a lot it is understandable. All in all, this is good work. :)