Was on time everyday and was focused on cs related material for most of the time
About Page: 1/1
Has a good picture of me, cool features (needs to be updated; however, was currently working on home page with an about page that has redirect link to our About pages)
Individual Analytics: 1/1
Have been working on different features of the website, mainly the GitHub themed and centered front page that has the most important links (for this class). Have been implementing features on a weekly basis consistently for the past few schoolweeks
Have been doing good FRQ responses and corrections for AP Classroom.
Expertise: -.25
I have a good understanding of most concepts and processes that we learned in cs but I don't really have an expertise in any single one of them and have yet to implement them as my group haven't been working on their part [deployment, databases, etc.] but will continue learning and trying to implement them through PBL in coming weeks.
Attendance + Participation: 1/1
About Page: 1/1
Individual Analytics: 1/1
FRQ Progress: 1/1
Expertise: -.25
Total Score: 4.75/5