yep / virtualOS

macOS Virtual Machine using Virtualization.framework
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Installation fails on macOS 12.4 #2

Open mthielemann opened 2 years ago

mthielemann commented 2 years ago

If I run the app on macOS 12.4, I get the following error after the restore image has been downloaded:

Error: Install failed: Error Domain=VZErrorDomain Code=1 "Installation failed." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailure=Internal Virtualization
error., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Installation failed., NSUnderlyingError=0x6000016fc060 {Error Domain=VZErrorDomain Code=1
zanza89 commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

it doesn't work for me either running on MBP 16" 2021 M1 Max 64GB 2TB of storage. I can't get to the initial OS setup. Same error as above

MattMacs commented 2 years ago

Hi, running virtualOS here on macOS 12.4 like a charm, so more information would be great.

MBA 13" 2020 M1 16GB 1 TB 👍🏼

mthielemann commented 2 years ago

Tried it on a MBP 14" 2021 M1 Max with 64 GB for days now and today for whatever reason it worked for the first time. This is a bit weird because nothing really changed. 🤷🏻‍♂️

zanza89 commented 2 years ago

I tried to install it for the third time now... still getting the same Error on MBP MAX 2021 16" 64GB model. However the Start Button and the configuration window appear anyway but when I click on it nothing happens.

Error: Install failed: Error Domain=VZErrorDomain Code=1 "Installation failed." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailure=Internal Virtualization error., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Installation failed., NSUnderlyingError=0x6000033ff5d0 {Error Domain=VZErrorDomain Code=1 "(null)"}}

p4dt1 commented 2 years ago

I got my new MBP Max 2021 16" 64 GB and get the same like @zanza89

Error: Install failed: Error Domain=VZErrorDomain Code=1 "Installation failed." Userinfo=(NSLocalizedFailure=Internal Virtualization error., NSLocalizedFailureRea: (Error Domain=VZErrorDomain Code=1 "(null)"))

Also the Start Button and the configuration window appear anyway but when I click on it nothing happens.

yep commented 2 years ago

For testing, I just installed a macOS 12.4 virtual machine on a macOS 12.4 host and did not see the above error.

The error message originates here. It happens when VZMacOSInstaller runs the install() method.

Everything that happens after starting the virtual machine install is kind of a black box and probably only Apple knows what happens during install exactly. The only visible event is "completion" of the install, which returns the mentioned error. I propose you create an account at the Apple developer forum and ask there. Chances are that an Apple Engineer can provide additional information.

As users reported the install to complete eventually after trying a number of times, you could try to install again by deleting the current virtual machine by selecting "Delete Virtual Machine" in the file menu.

yep commented 2 years ago

Hello everybody,

Could you please try if install succeeds using UTM?

Another user reported a similar (or the same) error is reproducible using UTM.

I have temporarily seen a similar error on my machine as well. In my tests, the install error only occurred for one specific restore image (.ipsw), all other restore images were working fine. Additionally, the error disappeared "after some time". This was reported by mthielemann above as well.

Unfortunately, I only have very generic suggestions you could try:

If the start button and the configuration window appear but the VM does not start, this is possibly due to an incomplete or failed install. In this case, please delete the virtual machine bundle as described above. Improved error handling for incomplete installs will (hopefully) be added in the future.