yepcord / server

Unofficial discord backend implementation in python.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2 stars 1 forks source link

replace with st.ds_json #191

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

        settings = await user.settings
        return MFA(settings.mfa, uid)

    async def generateUserMfaNonce(self, user: mUser) -> tuple[str, str]:
        exp = time() + 600
        code = b64encode(urandom(16))
        nonce = JWT.encode({"type": "normal", "code": code, "user_id":}, self.key, exp)
        rnonce = JWT.encode({"type": "regenerate", "code": code, "user_id":}, self.key, exp)
        return nonce, rnonce

    async def verifyUserMfaNonce(self, user: mUser, nonce: str, regenerate: bool) -> None:
        if not (payload := JWT.decode(nonce, self.key)) or payload["user_id"] !=
            raise InvalidDataErr(400, Errors.make(60011))
        nonce_type = "normal" if not regenerate else "regenerate"
        if nonce_type != payload["type"]:
            raise InvalidDataErr(400, Errors.make(60011))

    async def useMfaCode(self, user: mUser, code: str) -> bool:
        if (code := await MfaCode.objects.get_or_none(user=user, code=code, used=False)) is None:
            return False
        await code.update(used=True)
        return True

    async def getChannel(self, channel_id: int) -> Optional[mChannel]:
        if (channel := await mChannel.objects.select_related(["guild", "owner", "parent"])
                .get_or_none(id=channel_id)) is None:
        return await self.setLastMessageIdForChannel(channel)

    async def getDmChannel(self, user1: mUser, user2: mUser) -> Optional[mChannel]:
        channel_row = await mChannel.Meta.database.fetch_one(
            query="SELECT * FROM `channels` WHERE `id` = ("
                  "SELECT `channel` FROM `channels_users` WHERE `user` IN (:user1, :user2) GROUP BY `channel` "
                  "HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT `user`) = 2);",
            values={"user1":, "user2":}
        if channel_row is None: return
        return await mChannel.from_row(channel_row, mChannel).load_all()

    async def getDMChannelOrCreate(self, user1: mUser, user2: mUser) -> mChannel:
        channel = await self.getDmChannel(user1, user2)
        if channel is None:
            channel = await mChannel.objects.create(id=Snowflake.makeId(), type=ChannelType.DM)
            await channel.recipients.add(user1)
            await channel.recipients.add(user2)
            return await mChannel.objects.get(

        if await self.isDmChannelHidden(user1, channel):
            await self.unhideDmChannel(user1, channel)
            await c.getGw().dispatch(DMChannelCreateEvent(channel), users=[])
        return await self.setLastMessageIdForChannel(channel)

    async def getLastMessageId(self, channel: mChannel) -> Optional[int]:
        if (last_message_id := await mMessage.objects.filter(channel=channel).max("id")) is not None:
            return last_message_id

    async def setLastMessageIdForChannel(self, channel: mChannel) -> mChannel:
        channel.last_message_id = await self.getLastMessageId(channel)
        return channel

    async def getLastMessage(self, channel: mChannel) -> mMessage:
        return await mMessage.objects.filter(channel=channel).max("id")

    async def getChannelMessagesCount(self, channel: mChannel) -> int:
        return await mMessage.objects.filter(channel=channel).count()

    async def getPrivateChannels(self, user: mUser, with_hidden: bool=False) -> list[mChannel]:
        channels = await mChannel.objects.select_related("recipients").filter(recipients__id__in=[]).all()
        return [await self.setLastMessageIdForChannel(channel) for channel in channels]

    async def getChannelMessages(self, channel, limit: int, before: int=0, after: int=0) -> list[mMessage]:
        id_filter = {}
        if after: id_filter["id__gt"] = after
        if before: id_filter["id__lt"] = before
        return await mMessage.objects.filter(channel=channel, **id_filter).limit(limit).all()

    async def getMessage(self, channel: mChannel, message_id: int) -> Optional[mMessage]:
        if not message_id: return
        return await mMessage.objects.select_related(["author", "channel", "thread", "guild"])\
            .get_or_none(channel=channel, id=message_id)

    async def sendMessage(self, message: mMessage) -> mMessage:
        async def _addToReadStates():
            users = await self.getRelatedUsersToChannel(
            if in users:
            for user in users:
                read_state, _ = await mReadState.objecs.get_or_create(
                    user=user,, _defaults={"last_read_id":, "count": 0}
                await read_state.update(count=read_state.count+1)
        Context().run(get_event_loop().create_task, _addToReadStates())
        return message

    async def deleteMessage(self, message: mMessage) -> None:
        await message.delete()

    async def getRelatedUsersToChannel(self, channel: mChannel, ids: bool=True) -> list[Union[int, mUser]]:
        if channel.type in [ChannelType.DM, ChannelType.GROUP_DM]:
            await channel.load_all()
            if ids: return [ for recipient in channel.recipients]
            return channel.recipients
        elif channel.type in GUILD_CHANNELS:
            return [member.user_id for member in await self.getGuildMembers(channel.guild)]
        elif channel.type in (ChannelType.GUILD_PUBLIC_THREAD, ChannelType.GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD):
            return [member.user_id for member in await self.getThreadMembers(channel)]

    async def setReadState(self, user: mUser, channel: mChannel, count: int, last: int) -> None:
        read_state, _ = await mReadState.objects.get_or_create(
            user=user, channel=channel, _defaults={"last_read_id": last, "count": count}
        await read_state.update(last_read_id=last, count=count)

    async def getReadStatesJ(self, user: mUser) -> list:
        states = []
        for st in await mReadState.objects.filter(user=user).all:
            states.append({  # TODO: replace with st.ds_json
                "mention_count": st.count,
                "last_pin_timestamp": await self.getLastPinTimestamp(,
                "last_message_id": str(st.last_read_id),
                "id": str(st.channel_id),
        return states

    async def getUserNote(self, user: mUser, target: mUser) -> Optional[mUserNote]:
        return await mUserNote.objects.get_or_none(user=user, target=target)

    async def getAttachment(self, attachment_id: int) -> Optional[mAttachment]:
        return await mAttachment.objects.get_or_none(id=attachment_id)

    async def getUserByChannelId(self, channel_id: int, user_id: int) -> Optional[mUser]:
        if not (channel := await self.getChannel(channel_id)):
            return None
        return await self.getUserByChannel(channel, user_id)

    async def getUserByChannel(self, channel: mChannel, user_id: int) -> Optional[mUser]:
        if channel.type in (ChannelType.DM, ChannelType.GROUP_DM):
            if await mChannel.objects.select_related("recipients").filter(, recipients__id__in=[user_id])\
                return await self.getUser(user_id)
        elif channel.type in GUILD_CHANNELS:
            return await self.getGuildMember(channel.guild, user_id)
        elif channel.type in (ChannelType.GUILD_PUBLIC_THREAD, ChannelType.GUILD_PRIVATE_THREAD):
            return await self.getThreadMember(channel, user_id)

    async def setFrecencySettings(self, user: mUser, proto: str) -> None:
        await mFrecencySettings.objects.get_or_create(user=user, _defaults={"settings": proto})

    async def getFrecencySettings(self, user: mUser) -> str:
        return (await mFrecencySettings.objects.get(user=user)).settings

    async def sendVerificationEmail(self, user: mUser) -> None:
        key = new(self.key, str('utf-8'), sha256).digest()
        t = int(time())
        sig = b64encode(new(key, f"{}:{}:{t}".encode('utf-8'), sha256).digest())
github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Closed in 0afcb236b7a3ff0df9161eb63cc0e361cb5c82ec