yepher / CoreDataUtility

An OSX application that simplifies development and debugging of CoreData enabled applications.
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Xcode 6 and iOS 8 support #29

Closed ostatnicky closed 9 years ago

ostatnicky commented 9 years ago

I don't see Managed Object Models generated from Xcode 6.

yepher commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the report. I will have a look.

After a little bit of investigation it looks like XCode has moved where the iOS Simulator files are stored. Now the .app and presistance files are stored here:


Until there is a code fix to automatically find the files you could open the "*.app" and persistence files manually from the "file" tab or pass the file names from the command line.

ostatnicky commented 9 years ago

Thanks for support! I found that path was changed too...

yepher commented 9 years ago

While looking into this I found that the applications data path changes each time the app is run.

Unless someone else has a better solution I think for the "project file" to work it will need to remember the persistence file name and search for it in the simulators directory structure.


This is original path to persistence file:


and this is the path when the app is run again:


So UUID changed from: "E70E7E26-7FC5-4703-A8E8-827856CF0B38" to "A7B0E435-007A-4D9E-ABAC-B853EAB93526".

yepher commented 9 years ago

Here is another (better?) work around for the problem.

Add this code to your iOS application:

+ (void) createCoreDataDebugProjectWithType: (NSNumber*) storeFormat storeUrl:(NSString*) storeURL modelFilePath:(NSString*) modelFilePath {
    NSDictionary* project = @{
                              @"storeFilePath": storeURL,
                              @"storeFormat" : storeFormat,
                              @"modelFilePath": modelFilePath,
                              @"v" : @(1)

    NSString* projectFile = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/tmp/%@.cdp", [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:(NSString*)kCFBundleNameKey]];

    [project writeToFile:projectFile atomically:YES];


Now call that code where you initialize your CoreData persistent store. Something like this:

    // @(1) is NSSQLiteStoreType
    [self createCoreDataDebugProjectWithType:@(1) storeUrl:[storeURL absoluteString] modelFilePath:[modelUrl absoluteString]];

Now you can just ope the /tmp/YourAppName.cdp file and it will open CoreDataUtility with your app's data loaded.

This is CoreDataUtilities storage types:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MFL_StoreTypes) {
    MFL_SQLiteStoreType = 1,
    MFL_XMLStoreType = 2,
    MFL_BinaryStoreType = 3,
    MFL_InMemoryStoreType = 4,
yepher commented 9 years ago

I think this is a much better solution for folks so I am going to call this a fixed for now. If I can figure out a way to deterministically find the simulators data path I will come back to this.

Added instructions the project

felipe-nrscorps commented 9 years ago
