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Pin pytest-benchmark to latest version 3.1.1 #58

Closed pyup-bot closed 6 years ago

pyup-bot commented 6 years ago

This PR pins pytest-benchmark to the latest release 3.1.1.

Changelog ### 3.1.1 ``` ------------------ * Fixed loading data from old json files (missing ``ops`` field, see `81 <>`_). * Fixed regression on broken SCM (see `82 <>`_). ``` ### 3.1.0 ``` ------------------ * Added "operations per second" (``ops`` field in ``Stats``) metric -- shows the call rate of code being tested. Contributed by Alexey Popravka in `78 <>`_. * Added a ``time`` field in ``commit_info``. Contributed by "varac" in `71 <>`_. * Added a ``author_time`` field in ``commit_info``. Contributed by "varac" in `75 <>`_. * Fixed the leaking of credentials by masking the URL printed when storing data to elasticsearch. * Added a `--benchmark-netrc` option to use credentials from a netrc file when storing data to elasticsearch. Both contributed by Andre Bianchi in `73 <>`_. * Fixed docs on hooks. Contributed by Andre Bianchi in `74 <>`_. * Remove `git` and `hg` as system dependencies when guessing the project name. ``` ### 3.1.0a2 ``` -------------------- * ``machine_info`` now contains more detailed information about the CPU, in particular the exact model. Contributed by Antonio Cuni in `61 <>`_. * Added ``benchmark.extra_info``, which you can use to save arbitrary stuff in the JSON. Contributed by Antonio Cuni in the same PR as above. * Fix support for latest PyGal version (histograms). Contributed by Swen Kooij in `68 <>`_. * Added support for getting ``commit_info`` when not running in the root of the repository. Contributed by Vara Canero in `69 <>` _. * Added short form for ``--storage``/``--verbose`` options in CLI. * Added an alternate ``pytest-benchmark`` CLI bin (in addition to ``py.test-benchmark``) to match the madness in pytest. * Fix some issues with `--help`` in CLI. * Improved git remote parsing (for ``commit_info`` in JSON outputs). * Fixed default value for `--benchmark-columns``. * Fixed comparison mode (loading was done too late). * Remove the project name from the autosave name. This will get the old brief naming from 3.0 back. ``` ### 3.1.0a1 ``` -------------------- * Added ``--benchmark-colums`` command line option. It selects what columns are displayed in the result table. Contributed by Antonio Cuni in `34 <>`_. * Added support for grouping by specific test parametrization (``--benchmark-group-by=param:NAME`` where ``NAME`` is your param name). Contributed by Antonio Cuni in `37 <>`_. * Added support for `name` or `fullname` in ``--benchmark-sort``. Contributed by Antonio Cuni in `37 <>`_. * Changed signature for ``pytest_benchmark_generate_json`` hook to take 2 new arguments: ``machine_info`` and ``commit_info``. * Changed `--benchmark-histogram`` to plot groups instead of name-matching runs. * Changed `--benchmark-histogram`` to plot exactly what you compared against. Now it's ``1:1`` with the compare feature. * Changed `--benchmark-compare`` to allow globs. You can compare against all the previous runs now. * Changed `--benchmark-group-by`` to allow multiple values separated by comma. Example: ``--benchmark-group-by=param:foo,param:bar`` * Added a command line tool to compare previous data: ``py.test-benchmark``. It has two commands: * ``list`` - Lists all the available files. * ``compare`` - Displays result tables. Takes optional arguments: * ``--sort=COL`` * ``--group-by=LABEL`` * ``--columns=LABELS`` * ``--histogram=[FILENAME-PREFIX]`` * Added ``--benchmark-cprofile`` that profiles last run of benchmarked function. Contributed by Petr Šebek. * Changed ``--benchmark-storage`` so it now allows elasticsearch storage. It allows to store data to elasticsearch instead to json files. Contributed by Petr Šebek in `58 <>`_. ``` ### 3.0.0 ``` ------------------ * Improved ``--help`` text for ``--benchmark-histogram``, ``--benchmark-save`` and ``--benchmark-autosave``. * Benchmarks that raised exceptions during test now have special highlighting in result table (red background). * Benchmarks that raised exceptions are not included in the saved data anymore (you can still get the old behavior back by implementing ``pytest_benchmark_generate_json`` in your ````). * The plugin will use pytest's warning system for warnings. There are 2 categories: ``WBENCHMARK-C`` (compare mode issues) and ``WBENCHMARK-U`` (usage issues). * The red warnings are only shown if ``--benchmark-verbose`` is used. They still will be always be shown in the pytest-warnings section. * Using the benchmark fixture more than one time is disallowed (will raise exception). * Not using the benchmark fixture (but requiring it) will issue a warning (``WBENCHMARK-U1``). ``` ### 3.0.0rc1 ``` --------------------- * Changed ``--benchmark-warmup`` to take optional value and automatically activate on PyPy (default value is ``auto``). **MAY BE BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE** * Removed the version check in compare mode (previously there was a warning if current version is lower than what's in the file). ``` ### 3.0.0b3 ``` --------------------- * Changed how comparison is displayed in the result table. Now previous runs are shown as normal runs and names get a special suffix indicating the origin. Eg: "test_foobar (NOW)" or "test_foobar (0123)". * Fixed sorting in the result table. Now rows are sorted by the sort column, and then by name. * Show the plugin version in the header section. * Moved the display of default options in the header section. ``` ### 3.0.0b2 ``` --------------------- * Add a ``--benchmark-disable`` option. It's automatically activated when xdist is on * When xdist is on or `statistics` can't be imported then ``--benchmark-disable`` is automatically activated (instead of ``--benchmark-skip``). **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE** * Replace the deprecated ``__multicall__`` with the new hookwrapper system. * Improved description for ``--benchmark-max-time``. ``` ### 3.0.0b1 ``` -------------------- * Tests are sorted alphabetically in the results table. * Failing to import `statistics` doesn't create hard failures anymore. Benchmarks are automatically skipped if import failure occurs. This would happen on Python 3.2 (or earlier Python 3). ``` ### 3.0.0a4 ``` -------------------- * Changed how failures to get commit info are handled: now they are soft failures. Previously it made the whole test suite fail, just because you didn't have ``git/hg`` installed. ``` ### 3.0.0a3 ``` -------------------- * Added progress indication when computing stats. ``` ### 3.0.0a2 ``` -------------------- * Fixed accidental output capturing caused by capturemanager misuse. ``` ### 3.0.0a1 ``` -------------------- * Added JSON report saving (the ``--benchmark-json`` command line arguments). Based on initial work from Dave Collins in `8 <>`_. * Added benchmark data storage(the ``--benchmark-save`` and ``--benchmark-autosave`` command line arguments). * Added comparison to previous runs (the ``--benchmark-compare`` command line argument). * Added performance regression checks (the ``--benchmark-compare-fail`` command line argument). * Added possibility to group by various parts of test name (the `--benchmark-compare-group-by`` command line argument). * Added historical plotting (the ``--benchmark-histogram`` command line argument). * Added option to fine tune the calibration (the ``--benchmark-calibration-precision`` command line argument and ``calibration_precision`` marker option). * Changed ``benchmark_weave`` to no longer be a context manager. Cleanup is performed automatically. **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE** * Added ``benchmark.weave`` method (alternative to ``benchmark_weave`` fixture). * Added new hooks to allow customization: * ``pytest_benchmark_generate_machine_info(config)`` * ``pytest_benchmark_update_machine_info(config, info)`` * ``pytest_benchmark_generate_commit_info(config)`` * ``pytest_benchmark_update_commit_info(config, info)`` * ``pytest_benchmark_group_stats(config, benchmarks, group_by)`` * ``pytest_benchmark_generate_json(config, benchmarks, include_data)`` * ``pytest_benchmark_update_json(config, benchmarks, output_json)`` * ``pytest_benchmark_compare_machine_info(config, benchmarksession, machine_info, compared_benchmark)`` * Changed the timing code to: * Tracers are automatically disabled when running the test function (like coverage tracers). * Fixed an issue with calibration code getting stuck. * Added `pedantic mode` via ``benchmark.pedantic()``. This mode disables calibration and allows a setup function. ``` ### 2.5.0 ``` ------------------ * Improved test suite a bit (not using `cram` anymore). * Improved help text on the ``--benchmark-warmup`` option. * Made ``warmup_iterations`` available as a marker argument (eg: ``pytest.mark.benchmark(warmup_iterations=1234)``). * Fixed ``--benchmark-verbose``'s printouts to work properly with output capturing. * Changed how warmup iterations are computed (now number of total iterations is used, instead of just the rounds). * Fixed a bug where calibration would run forever. * Disabled red/green coloring (it was kinda random) when there's a single test in the results table. ``` ### 2.4.1 ``` ------------------ * Fix regression, plugin was raising ``ValueError: no option named 'dist'`` when xdist wasn't installed. ``` ### 2.4.0 ``` ------------------ * Add a ``benchmark_weave`` experimental fixture. * Fix internal failures when `xdist` plugin is active. * Automatically disable benchmarks if `xdist` is active. ``` ### 2.3.0 ``` ------------------ * Moved the warmup in the calibration phase. Solves issues with benchmarking on PyPy. Added a ``--benchmark-warmup-iterations`` option to fine-tune that. ``` ### 2.2.0 ``` ------------------ * Make the default rounds smaller (so that variance is more accurate). * Show the defaults in the ``--help`` section. ``` ### 2.1.0 ``` ------------------ * Simplify the calibration code so that the round is smaller. * Add diagnostic output for calibration code (``--benchmark-verbose``). ``` ### 2.0.0 ``` ------------------ * Replace the context-manager based API with a simple callback interface. **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE** * Implement timer calibration for precise measurements. ``` ### 1.0.0 ``` ------------------ * Use a precise default timer for PyPy. ? (?) ----- * Readme and styling fixes. Contributed by Marc Abramowitz in `4 <>`_. * Lots of wild changes. ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Repo: