yerfor / Real3DPortrait

Real3D-Portrait: One-shot Realistic 3D Talking Portrait Synthesis; ICLR 2024 Spotlight; Official code
MIT License
809 stars 88 forks source link

推理报错 #52

Open AZYoung233 opened 2 months ago

AZYoung233 commented 2 months ago


infer inputs : {'src_image_name': '/tmp/gradio/6b5461d953615e704a15929f1113a8dcea6ca40a/DALL·E 2024-04-26 15.22.11 - A colorful anime character design, featuring a young female with long blue hair and large, expressive green eyes. She is wearing a futuristic outfit w.webp', 'drv_audio_name': '/tmp/gradio/1df194c69670342f206b12cd1cf74450f1a89811/paimeng_reference_cut_4sec.wav', 'drv_pose_name': 'static', 'bg_image_name': '', 'blink_mode': 'period', 'temperature': 0.2, 'mouth_amp': 0.45, 'out_mode': 'final', 'map_to_init_pose': True, 'low_memory_usage': False, 'hold_eye_opened': False, 'a2m_ckpt': '/home/ubuntu/Real3DPortrait/checkpoints/240210_real3dportrait_orig/audio2secc_vae/model_ckpt_steps_400000.ckpt', 'head_ckpt': None, 'torso_ckpt': '/home/ubuntu/Real3DPortrait/checkpoints/240210_real3dportrait_orig/secc2plane_torso_orig/model_ckpt_steps_100000.ckpt', 'min_face_area_percent': 0.2, 'out_name': '', 'seed': 42} I0000 00:00:1714124774.938484 13261] Successfully initialized EGL. Major : 1 Minor: 5 I0000 00:00:1714124774.980182 13367] GL version: 3.2 (OpenGL ES 3.2 NVIDIA 535.129.03), renderer: NVIDIA A10/PCIe/SSE2 W0000 00:00:1714124774.980498 13261] Sets FaceBlendshapesGraph acceleration to xnnpack by default. Inference ERROR: list index out of range Failed to generate

xhxh12345 commented 3 weeks ago
