Open eccele opened 3 years ago
One more comment on "Support by integrating...". Why do we need asking this? We can apply this quotation by default. If not, the defeult should be Yes, not No, as it is now.
This is just a suggestion, not a requirement!
And, I had forgotten, but very important: a field must be introduced for the journal / magazine the publication has been published in (if relevant); for books, this field could report the editor. So it could be:
Journal / magazine /editor (for monographies)
@yesiman dans le formulaire document peux -tu modifier la propriété suivante: Name-> Title (déjà bon en français) Peut-on ajouter un propriété "Journal/Magazine/Editeur" en texte court ? qui serait à afficher en dessous de date et auteur ?
@eccele Above, I am asking to Fabrice to do the modification that have not been done yet
Please, do ALL the corrections that have been listed in the original message.
Type of publication: we had agreed a different list (shorter, I think...). In the Document search page (public domain) there is a list that must be changed, too. I don't know if the items are the same, because the sorting is different, but it must be changed.
The "guide" of Journal is in French.
The information of a publication could be improved. Here my hints:
- Name --> Title DONE
- Authors --> Authors and affiliations -> I cannot change this
- After the field "Document": add a "tick field" where the submitter declares that the document can be made freely available without infringing the copyright by the editor of the document. Only if this is done, will the document be published. Otherwise, VINEAS might be considered responsible for unduly publishing documents! OK DONE
- Presentation --> Abstract -> I can not change this as it is common to all the formular (solutions, actors etc)
- Keywords: this field should be populated by new submitters, and the full list should be visible. Here we cannot input new entries and the list comes... from where?? has been fixed
- "Support by integrating a message from the platform": the meaning of this field is not explained... -> a tootl tip explain this
Please, do ALL the corrections that have been listed in the original message.
Type of publication: we had agreed a different list (shorter, I think...). In the Document search page (public domain) there is a list that must be changed, too. I don't know if the items are the same, because the sorting is different, but it must be changed.
The "guide" of Journal is in French. -> Fixed
Regarding the type of document, as it is common to Agrisource and BOost ae platforms I cannot change this easily. I need that the adminitrators of the other platform agree to change this (no answer yet, I re sent my email) and then Fabrice will be able to merge the categories without loosing information
Ok, see the changes, but concerning the types of documents, please see below:
Emanuele Eccel
Centro Ricerca e Innovazione -
Fondazione Edmund Mach
Via Mach, 1 - 38098 S. Michele all'Adige (TN) - Italy T: + 39 0461-615397
Skype: emanuele.eccel
"Il mondo non languirà mai per mancanza di cose meravigliose, ma solo per mancanza di meraviglia.” (G.K. Chesterton)
Regarding the type of document, as it is common to Agrisource and BOost ae platforms I cannot change this easily. I need that the adminitrators of the other platform agree to change this (no answer yet, I re sent my email) and then Fabrice will be able to merge the categories without loosing information
Independently from the answer of the other administrators, here there are things that are not correct:
"Cours - Formations" is not translated (Italian: Corsi - formazione) Book - publication --> has no sense if there is already "Publication" some lines below
Then, we had agreed to keep "Publication" only, and not "Publication" + "Online publication",and I remember that the list was shortened, even if now I don't know any more which was the correct one.
[image: image.png]
The name of the journal has been added, but it has no effect when the document is retrieved (is not displayed), so it is useless. It should appear just below the authors and publication year.
The information of a publication could be improved. Here my hints: