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Static analysis for selective elision of vacuous expressions, promotion of hard-coded strings to productive elements of associated model-structures #168

Closed archaephyrryx closed 1 month ago

archaephyrryx commented 1 month ago

Gets rid of the #![allow(dead_code)] attribute at the root of to surface unused variants and methods (and removes them).

Fixes many proper typos in comments, and changes identifiers in certain places to keep spellchecking simple.

Basic heuristics to selectively elide vacuous expressions like

let _ = ();

from generated code by determining, using a loose heuristic, whether any given RustExpr is 'pure' in the Haskell sense.

Promotes any hard-coded strings leftover in or codegen/ that inject 'extra' content into standard productions, into associated fields of the types being augmented, which are then expanded as first-class elements of the Rust-AST model rather than hacky afterthoughts.