Open fumieval opened 1 year ago
Huh. That line of code was written in 2012 with the first commit of persistent-mysql
, which also includes the start transaction
command as part of begin
The docs for runSqlPoolNoTransaction
-- | Like 'runSqlPool', but does not surround the action in a transaction.
-- This action might leave your database in a weird state.
-- @since
MySQL documentation link, citing some relevant stuff:
A session that has autocommit enabled can perform a multiple-statement transaction by starting it with an explicit START TRANSACTION or BEGIN statement and ending it with a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement. See Section 13.3.1, “START TRANSACTION, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK Statements”.
If autocommit mode is disabled within a session with SET autocommit = 0, the session always has a transaction open. A COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement ends the current transaction and a new one starts.
If a session that has autocommit disabled ends without explicitly committing the final transaction, MySQL rolls back that transaction.
Some statements implicitly end a transaction, as if you had done a COMMIT before executing the statement. For details, see Section 13.3.3, “Statements That Cause an Implicit Commit”.
A COMMIT means that the changes made in the current transaction are made permanent and become visible to other sessions. A ROLLBACK statement, on the other hand, cancels all modifications made by the current transaction. Both COMMIT and ROLLBACK release all InnoDB locks that were set during the current transaction.
uses the underlying SqlBackend
and calls the relevant transaction stuff:
:: forall backend m a. (MonadUnliftIO m, BackendCompatible SqlBackend backend)
=> ReaderT backend m a -> Pool backend -> m a
runSqlPool r pconn = do
rawRunSqlPool r pconn Nothing
:: forall backend m a. (MonadUnliftIO m, BackendCompatible SqlBackend backend)
=> ReaderT backend m a -> Pool backend -> Maybe IsolationLevel -> m a
rawRunSqlPool r pconn mi =
runSqlPoolWithHooks r pconn mi before after onException
before conn = do
let sqlBackend = projectBackend conn
let getter = getStmtConn sqlBackend
liftIO $ connBegin sqlBackend getter mi
after conn = do
let sqlBackend = projectBackend conn
let getter = getStmtConn sqlBackend
liftIO $ connCommit sqlBackend getter
onException conn _ = do
let sqlBackend = projectBackend conn
let getter = getStmtConn sqlBackend
liftIO $ connRollback sqlBackend getter
:: forall backend m a before after onException. (MonadUnliftIO m, BackendCompatible SqlBackend backend)
=> ReaderT backend m a
-> Pool backend
-> Maybe IsolationLevel
-> (backend -> m before)
-- ^ Run this action immediately before the action is performed.
-> (backend -> m after)
-- ^ Run this action immediately after the action is completed.
-> (backend -> UE.SomeException -> m onException)
-- ^ This action is performed when an exception is received. The
-- exception is provided as a convenience - it is rethrown once this
-- cleanup function is complete.
-> m a
runSqlPoolWithHooks r pconn i before after onException =
runSqlPoolWithExtensibleHooks r pconn i $ SqlPoolHooks
{ alterBackend = pure
, runBefore = \conn _ -> void $ before conn
, runAfter = \conn _ -> void $ after conn
, runOnException = \b _ e -> void $ onException b e
:: forall backend m a. (MonadUnliftIO m, BackendCompatible SqlBackend backend)
=> ReaderT backend m a
-> Pool backend
-> Maybe IsolationLevel
-> SqlPoolHooks m backend
-> m a
runSqlPoolWithExtensibleHooks r pconn i SqlPoolHooks{..} =
withRunInIO $ \runInIO ->
withResource pconn $ \conn ->
UE.mask $ \restore -> do
conn' <- restore $ runInIO $ alterBackend conn
_ <- restore $ runInIO $ runBefore conn' i
a <- restore (runInIO (runReaderT r conn'))
`UE.catchAny` \e -> do
_ <- restore $ runInIO $ runOnException conn' i e
UE.throwIO e
_ <- restore $ runInIO $ runAfter conn' i
pure a
The SqlPoolHooks
determines what the SqlBackend
actually does - the connBegin
, connCommit
, and connRollback
are not called, since we call hooks and ignore them:
:: forall backend m a. (MonadUnliftIO m, BackendCompatible SqlBackend backend)
=> ReaderT backend m a -> Pool backend -> Maybe IsolationLevel -> m a
runSqlPoolNoTransaction r pconn i =
runSqlPoolWithHooks r pconn i (\_ -> pure ()) (\_ -> pure ()) (\_ _ -> pure ())
So, connBegin
doesn't get called, and we don't call start transaction
With autocommit = 0
, I'd expect this behavior to trigger:
If a session that has autocommit disabled ends without explicitly committing the final transaction, MySQL rolls back that transaction.
This does seem a bit surprising to me.
Postgres has a default of autocommit
being disabled:
SQLite has default of autocommit
being enabled:
MySQL's default is for autocommit
to be enabled.
This is definitely an infelicity with how the database backends act, and I'd be in favor of resolving it. However, doing so is necessarily going to be a breaking change in behavior, so I want to communicate that in a way that forces folks to deal with it.
For runSqlPool
users, they won't notice any change with the default being either on or off, since each database backend will begin a transaction as part of connBegin
For runSqlPoolNoTransaction
users, right now you need to manually COMMIT;
on persistent-mysql
and persistent-postgresql
. But persistent-sqlite
does not require a manual COMMIT;
- it commits everything as the action happens.
I think the question is: what behavior do folks want from runSqlPoolNoTransaction
? Do we want "you must manually commit results, or they never happen?" Or do they want "run each action in it's own transaction"?
I think the question is: what behavior do folks want from runSqlPoolNoTransaction? Do we want "you must manually commit results, or they never happen?" Or do they want "run each action in it's own transaction"?
I expected the latter, but apparently this example uses runSqlPoolNoTransaction
in "you must manually commit results" way; so turning on autocommit
on persistent-postgresql probably isn't an option.
Perhaps we could add a warning to runSqlPoolNoTransaction
telling the user that the behaviour vary depending on the backend (it might uncover some nasty bugs). For those who know what they are doing, we can export unsafeRunSqlPoolNoTransaction
. What do you think?
Currently autocommit is disabled here:
This means that runSqlPoolNoTransaction does not do what most users would expect; instead it leaves uncommitted changes. Is this intended? My understanding is that there is no need to disable autocommit because
is called explicitly here