yetibot / core

:expressionless: Core yetibot utilities, extracted for shared use among Yetibot and its various plugins
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config option to silence noisy error when using "non enabled" commands #136

Closed gkspranger closed 4 years ago

gkspranger commented 4 years ago

as a YB dev/ops person, i would like a config option to silence the noisy error that occurs for all commands that are "non enabled" and yet a YB user triggered, so that i don't have to have unpleasant conversations with my YB users about "why" said commands are "non enabled"



!disabledcmd :boom: Error in template greg: template is disabled in this Yetibot :boom:


config option set to silence noisy errors !disabledcmd non-event

in relation to issue #134 -- if the commands are hidden from "help view", then it is highly unlikely a YB user would even see/issue this noisy error .. that said, let's not underestimate our YB users "curiosity" and allow for a "non event" -- even if they get lucky triggering a "non enabled" command ..

right around ::

thanks !!

devth commented 4 years ago

Cool! So it would only prevent errors on disabled commands, right? i.e. if an enabled command threw an error they'd still see it.

gkspranger commented 4 years ago

hrmmm .. ok, let me re-think this and zoom out a little ..

if a command exists AND is disabled AND a user invokes said command, i guess i want the same error message i get when i invoke an "unknown topic"


if a command exists AND is enabled AND a user invokes the command, do the thing


so if we really want to keep the "foo command is disabled in this YB" output -- i guess this request could be altered to ask that i have a config option to use the default "unknown topic" error message if the command is disabled AND is invoked -- INSTEAD OF the default "foo command is disabled in this YB" error message .. ORRRR -- we drop the "is disabled" all together and just default to the "unknown topic" error message -- since the argument could be made that a disabled command is the same as an unknown topic -- at least from the user's perspective ..


i hope this all makes sense ..

which has now spurred a new idea -- a configurable error message for "unknown topics" .. will think about it and open a new issue once it is clear in my head ..

thanks again !!

devth commented 4 years ago

I could see a case for disabled commands pretending to be unknown. Interesting idea. And yes we could make it work either way with config. Not clear which route is better. 🤔

gkspranger commented 4 years ago

i am having a hard time finding a justification to noisily "error" to the user that a command exists, but has been disabled .. the reasoning i am following is that users don't host the bot, operators do -- and they have disabled the command for a reason .. so why create headaches for said operators ??

anyhoo -- just thinking aloud ..

devth commented 4 years ago

Appreciate your perspective! I think I agree.

devth commented 4 years ago

Working on this next. After giving it some thought, I like the simplicity of silencing by default and not even making it a config option. It will still be subject to fallback command, which is configurable. By default, it's enabled and set to help:

gkspranger commented 4 years ago

oh nice !! i didn't even know about the fallback command .. that allows me to craft a custom "error message" when a user issues a command that is not known ..

brilliant -- thanks !!

devth commented 4 years ago

Ok, I think I have this in a good place. I cleaned up all the possibilities for command handling. They were previously nested in multiple levels and it wasn't super clear. Now we have:

which clearly shows the 6 possibilities.

As an example, with this config:

   :yetibot-command-fallback-enabled "true"
   :yetibot-default-command "custom"
   :yetibot-command-whitelist-0 "echo"
   :yetibot-command-whitelist-1 "list"
   :yetibot-command-whitelist-2 "custom"

Here's what a customized default handler could look like, defined with an alias named custom:


Note that the alias custom must be specifically whitelisted, as well as any other alias that should be enabled (this wouldn't be the case if using blacklists).

You'll notice I updated the help docs too to indicate whether fallback commands are enabled, and if so what the fallback/default command is.

If fallback is not enabled and the user enters a disabled command, Yetibot returns nothing.

~🤔 Hmm, I think I should rename :yetibot-default-command config to be :yetibot-command-fallback for consistency.~ Not going to rename for now.

devth commented 4 years ago

And here's an example with no default command configured, it falls back to help:


gkspranger commented 4 years ago

very nice -- thanks for the example and the work ..

you may not like me very much after this -- but if i may inject my opinion about aliases .. the big question is -- do we really want to subject them to the same whitelist/blacklist scrutiny a normal command gets ??

here is my logic ::

  1. an alias is dynamic << meaning it is not something that goes in a config/code file -- it is something that has to be created with YB, while it is running
  2. i can only create alias commands from "real" commands that exist and have been whitelisted (>> or at least not blacklisted)
  3. therefore, any alias a user creates should be allowed and not checked with command_enabled?, simply because it is composed of other commands and is "dynamic"

also -- if !alias is enabled by default (<< foundation command) and i am using a whitelist -- every time someone wants to create a new, useful alias, they will need to create it and then ask the YB operator to whitelist it ..

or maybe i am missing a more efficient workflow ??

devth commented 4 years ago

lol 😂 😂

I actually had a similar thought on aliases, but I also wanted to get the latest thinking merged and let it settle.

Your logic makes total sense, and I agree. I think this should be a simpler fix too.

gkspranger commented 4 years ago

👍 again, thanks for the work and being open to outside opinions ..

i am coming from the world of Hubot (<< i am sure you know it, but link just in case not :: .. and in that world -- the core is very small, and everything you want to "use" is a plugin -- commands, adapters, middleware, etc .. your impl is very "batteries included" -- which is great, because it means there is less work for me to do on the whole, but at the same time, i have to be very measured with what i "turn on", because then i am supporting it AND not all YB users are created the same ..

anyhoo -- this is great, it gets us a lot closer to where we want to be in the end ..

devth commented 4 years ago

This is great feedback. I am somewhat familiar with Hubot but honestly I've never run it. It's actually what originally inspired me to start building a chat bot while I was learning Clojure in 2011 😁

I've thought about pulling apart the core into a more minimal setup but haven't seen a strong case for it, and would also want the ability to dynamically compose modules via config (as opposed to leiningen dependency information). It's possible, but hasn't been built yet.

devth commented 4 years ago


Aliases are always enabled in!