yetibot / dashboard

The new (as of 2020) CLJS frontend dashboard for Yetibot
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Discussion, questions, notes, planning for the new CLJS dashboard #1

Open devth opened 4 years ago

devth commented 4 years ago

Should we use Reagent? Reframe? @kaffein has volunteered to lead this 😁

kaffein commented 4 years ago

I think since it's the first time we introduce a pure cljs-based frontend on the project, we're going to evaluate and assess each option first and based on that we'll make a choice. But from a very practical aspect, I would say that going for re-agent first is the simplest path and if the need arises we can go beyond re-agent and add re-frame 😊.

Of course, feel free to comment here if you guys have ideas or suggestions, especially if you have frontend experience on cljs. We are here first and foremost to learn and have fun together 😉

kaffein commented 4 years ago

A quick question related to the graphql-client. At the moment we are using react-appollo as the graphql client and I was wondering whether we would be interested in trying something new and more Clojure(script)-y.

I guess the choice for react-appollo was related to some features that the framework offered and that I am not aware of. That would be cool if you can give those requirements and maybe I can check if there are some clojurescript options that may cover those.

It seems that there are some very good options out there for graphql clients, for e.g : re-graph and graphql-query. I especially like the graphql-query approach which relies on data instead of having plain old string graphql query in re-graph.

devth commented 4 years ago

Agree we should use something from CLJS-land. I didn’t have hard requirements on a client. It just seemed like a good option at the time for a React/JS app. So whatever you like!

kaffein commented 4 years ago

cool thing :100: !!! I am going to evaluate those options then and will let you know ^^


kaffein commented 4 years ago

Things have been moving slowly forward on this side of our little world :)

At the moment, the functional implementation of the dashboard displaying yetibot statistics is complete. By functional, I mean the logic is there : we have a graphql client talking to our graphql endpoint, retrieving information and storing it in the local re-frame.db/app-db.

UI-wise, it is still a WIP since there are some little adjustments (pun intended :D) that need to be done, I have posted a small shot on the dev channel XD...

For the tech stack, as discussed previously :

would like to introduce graphql-query which provides a more data-oriented approach to describing the graphql queries, which can be really cool since we would then have data all the way through.

PRs will be provided as soon as we have the UI fixed I will keep you in the loop ^^

thanks :)

devth commented 4 years ago

Awesome! Sounds like you got a lot of the hard stuff figured out.

graphql-query looks cool. Not super active on github, but that might be ok? 💯 on data-oriented 💪 .