yetone / avante.nvim

Use your Neovim like using Cursor AI IDE!
Apache License 2.0
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Natural language voice commands #384

Open oxysoft opened 2 weeks ago

oxysoft commented 2 weeks ago

Building off of #383 voice commands become a lot more attractive with natural language. "Jump to the refresh function". From there, it chains elegantly into voice refactors that engage the bigger models like Sonnet 3.5, "add documentation at the top". I can picture it being really next-generation.

Ideally on Linux we need a voice recognition daemon that can runs on the system permanently and which Avante or any app can tap into freely, some official API so all the upcoming AI software can have strong voice recognition and not continuously reinvent the wheel, deal with slow startup, or load one model multiple times in memory. (maybe there's even something like that already idk also idk really whats I'm saying when I say daemon I guess it would just be an app like ollama served with systemctl and it streams the detected words, and specializes in voice models)

We will have omnimodal models soon and we need to also think about that. Not only should Neovim not fall behind while Cursor gets all the crazy shit, but Neovim should also accelerate at lightspeed beyond Cursor. An AI coding workflow is an imminent singularity, as having better coding tools leads to coding faster, yet another hidden exponential involved in AI acceleration. Let's all work hard to make Avante super crazy and keep inventing crazier and crazier UX patterns. Not only has AI not been taken seriously by Neovim thus far, but it also made no attempt to innovate past GitHub Copilot. We must melt the minds of even the most seasoned Vim users, use Neovim as our roblox-style sandbox environment to forge the tools that will become God's world-crafting flute of creation, Neovim which builds the universe as a divine terminal to the 300T parameter model in Sam Altman's basement. Got carried away a little there...

aarnphm commented 2 weeks ago

sounds like something you can build with whisper.cpp running in neovim then pipe the inputs into any sort of input box (including AvanteInput)