yewstack / yew_router

A routing library for the Yew frontend framework
Apache License 2.0
90 stars 23 forks source link

page not found after refresh browser #263

Open fanux opened 4 years ago

fanux commented 4 years ago
Request URL: http://localhost:8000/app/kubernetes%E7%A6%BB%E7%BA%BF%E5%8C%85
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 404 Not Found
Remote Address: [::1]:8000
Referrer Policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade

image router is ok, but 404 after refresh browser:


fanux commented 4 years ago
#![recursion_limit = "512"]
use yew::prelude::*;
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use yew::{html, Component, ComponentLink, Html, ShouldRender};
use yew_router::{route::Route,service::RouteService,Switch};
use yew::virtual_dom::VNode;

pub struct Model {
    link: ComponentLink<Self>,
    route_service: RouteService<()>,
    route: Route<()>,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Entry {
    description: String,
    completed: bool,
    editing: bool,

pub enum Msg {

#[derive(Debug, Switch, Clone)]
pub enum AppRoute {
    #[to = "/app/{appName}"]
    #[to = "/a/{anything}"]
    #[to = "/b/{anything}/{number}"]
    B { anything: String, number: u32 },
    #[to = "/c"]

impl Component for Model {
    type Message = Msg;
    type Properties = ();

    fn create(_: Self::Properties, link: ComponentLink<Self>) -> Self {
        let mut route_service: RouteService<()> = RouteService::new();
        let route = route_service.get_route();
        let callback = link.callback(Msg::RouteChanged);
        Model {

    fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender {
        match msg {
            Msg::RouteChanged(route) => self.route = route,
            Msg::ChangeRoute(route) => {
                // This might be derived in the future
                let route_string = match route {
                    AppRoute::App(s) => format!("/app/{}", s),
                    AppRoute::A(s) => format!("/a/{}", s),
                    AppRoute::B { anything, number } => format!("/b/{}/{}", anything, number),
                    AppRoute::C => "/c".to_string(),
                self.route_service.set_route(&route_string, ());
                self.route = Route {
                    route: route_string,
                    state: (), 
            Msg::Nope => {}

    fn view(&self) -> Html {
        html! {
                <nav class="menu",>
                    { self.nav() }
                    <button onclick=&self.change_route(AppRoute::App("kubernetes".to_string())) > {"kubernetes"} </button>
                    <button onclick=&self.change_route(AppRoute::A("lorem".to_string())) > {"A"} </button>
                    <button onclick=&self.change_route(AppRoute::B{anything: "hello".to_string(), number: 42}) > {"B"} </button>
                    <button onclick=&self.change_route(AppRoute::C) > {"C"} </button>
                    match AppRoute::switch(self.route.clone()) {
                        Some(AppRoute::App(thing)) => self.app_info(thing),
                        Some(AppRoute::A(thing)) => VNode::from(thing.as_str()),
                        Some(AppRoute::B{anything, number}) => html!{<div> {anything} {number} </div>},
                        Some(AppRoute::C) => self.apps(),
                        None => VNode::from("404")
        html! {
            <div class="todomvc-wrapper">
                { self.nav() }
                { self.apps() }

impl Model {
    fn change_route(&self, app_route: AppRoute) -> Callback<ClickEvent> { |_| {
            let route = app_route.clone(); // TODO, I don't think I should have to clone here?

    fn nav(&self) -> Html {
        html! {
            <nav class="uk-navbar-container" uk-navbar={ true }>
            <div class="uk-navbar-left">
                <ul class="uk-navbar-nav">
                    <li class="uk-active"><a href="#">{ "开源市场|云原生市场" }</a></li>
                        <a href="#">{ "友情链接" }</a>
                        <div class="uk-navbar-dropdown">
                            <ul class="uk-nav uk-navbar-dropdown-nav">
                                <li class="uk-active"><a href="#">{ "云原生实验室" }</a></li>
                                <li><a href="#">{ "sealos" }</a></li>
                                <li><a href="#">{ "kuboard" }</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">{ "签约作者" }</a></li>
            <div class="uk-navbar-right">
                <p uk-icon="icon: github; ratio: 2.3" style="margin-right:10px;"/>

    fn apps(&self) -> Html {
        html! {
            <ul uk-accordion={ true } class="uk-container">
            <li class="uk-open">
                <a class="uk-accordion-title" href="#">{ "云内核 kubernetes" }</a>
                <div class="uk-accordion-content">
                { self.apps_table() }
                <a class="uk-accordion-title" href="#">{ "云驱动" }</a>
                <div class="uk-accordion-content">
                { self.apps_table() }
                <a class="uk-accordion-title" href="#">{ "中间件" }</a>
                <div class="uk-accordion-content">
                { self.apps_table() }
    fn app_info(&self, name: String) -> Html {
            <p> { name } {"商品名"} </p>
    fn apps_table(&self) -> Html {
        html! {
            <table class="uk-table">
                    <th>{ "名称" }</th>
                    <th>{ "价格" }</th>
                    <td onclick=&self.change_route(AppRoute::App("kubernetes离线包".to_string()))> {"kubernetes离线包"}</td>
                    <td><p uk-icon="star" /><p uk-icon="star" /><p uk-icon="star" /><p uk-icon="star" /></td>
                    <td>{ "ARM kubernetes离线包" }</td>
                    <td>{"ARM版 一键安装kubernetes高可用集群"}</td>
                    <td><p uk-icon="star" /><p uk-icon="star" /><p uk-icon="star" /></td>

this is my hole source code.

hgzimmerman commented 4 years ago

Serving the app using the default cargo-web server will not work with the router. Try serving the app via one of the servers present in: instead.

This repository is no longer the location for development for the router. In the future, direct inquiries to instead.