yfdyh000 / tabutils

Tab Utilities's compatibility fixes release.
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kills saved sessions #141

Open Japonamat opened 7 years ago

Japonamat commented 7 years ago

Все функции работают на FF52 Final, но периодически убивает сохраненные сессии. Включено при запуске показать вкладки, открытые в прошлый раз, но периодически при запуске браузера открывается пустая страница. Сохраненная сессия просто пропадает. Отключил дополнение - проблема исчезла. Есть подозрение, что расширение может конфликтовать с другими темами, не дефолтными. В частности, вот этими: https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/devedition-theme-enabler/?src=userprofile https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/fxopera/?src=api Если бы в Tab Utilities была функция "прямоугольные вкладки" - это было бы супер-расширение! TabMixPlus и Classic Theme Restorer нервно курили бы в сторонке)))

yfdyh000 commented 7 years ago

From https://translate.google.com/#auto/en:

All functions work on FF52 Final, but periodically kills saved sessions. Enabled at startup show tabs opened last time, but periodically when the browser starts a blank page opens. The saved session just disappears. Disconnected the add-on - the problem disappeared. There is a suspicion that the extension may conflict with other topics, not defaulted. In particular, these are these: Https://addons.mozilla.org/en/firefox/addon/devedition-theme-enabler/?src=userprofile Https://addons.mozilla.org/en/firefox/addon/fxopera/?src=api If Tab Utilities had the function of "rectangular tabs" - this would be a super-extension! TabMixPlus and Classic Theme Restorer nervously smoked on the sidelines)))

yfdyh000 commented 7 years ago

I have not encountered any session lost since Fx52b1~Fx52.0.

I have not tested it, it is not guaranteed for the present, I have no energy to fix it. No enhancement in plan, there is not enough energy to study...

Japonamat commented 7 years ago

I have understood the reason of this failure. Tab Utilities does not support a multiprocessing mode! At me this mode is included compulsorily. Has now established new FF52 Portable - in the dispatcher two processes of the browser. Has established all expansions - there are no failures, but ONE process in the dispatcher works only. In about:support has found out that the multiprocessor mode is blocked by one of expansions. Has disconnected all expansions - again two processes. Began to include expansions by turns when has included Tab Utilities - again ONE process. Has included a multiprocessor mode compulsorily - there was again a failure with session loss. Not always, from time to time, but the bug is shown. Support multiprocessor mode will be?

PS. Yes, has forgotten. To provoke this bug it is easier when there are some fixed tabs

yfdyh000 commented 7 years ago

Support multiprocessor mode will be?

I also want it and it is almost works, except for a few issues.

I can't confirm that the problem you are experiencing is related to e10s, it should work properly, even if it is CPOW.

Japonamat commented 7 years ago

Try to include 3-4 fixed tabs and some times to reboot the browser. I under such circumstances have lost sessions more often. I use while in a uniprocessor mode - failures are not present.