yfe404 / nutrimium-meal-plan-gen-prototype

(backup) Temporary repo for meal plan generation
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let's collaborate! #1

Open atherdon opened 5 years ago

atherdon commented 5 years ago

Hi Yann, what do you think if we merge our powers? i see that you're working on pretty similar projects...

yfe404 commented 5 years ago

Hey Arthur, I was thinking about it too ! We may start by explaining our goals and vision about our respective product/what has been done yet (including failures and successes). What do you think? Anyway, I've read almost all of your Medium articles and I’m sure we can build something great. :)

atherdon commented 5 years ago

we definitely should try! Shall I start or do you want to tell me about your plans?

My simple goal right now is to make publish launch for our old recipe-api server. i think someone will be interested to use it, at least for development purposes. it should drive some attention to what we're doing at Groceristar.

Then I have 2 upcoming things:

together I think we can start with some simple things For example, we can discuss what you're doing and how I can contribute or advice you.

yfe404 commented 5 years ago

My goal is to build a SaaS that generates healthy meal plans depending on the user's objectives. I want to put an extra care on the healthy aspect of the meals and diets hence I read a lot about nutrition and healthy eating. The concept is simple: a user pays a monthly fee to get access to the product, he creates a profile where he gives his goal, weight, height and so on, then the app generates a meal plan that matches his needs regarding his objectives and some constraints (vegan, lactose/gluten intolerance...). After that the user should be able to edit the meal plan and change for instance the number of meals per day, choose another recipe for a given meal/day, etc. The corresponding grocery list should also be generated from the meal plan. I've already put in place a serverless architecture for both the back and frontend, I also have the pipeline for CI/CD ready and the authorization/authentication part ready (at least for a good MVP). I have several prototypes from content generation aka recipes and meal plan generation. Presently my major weakness is on the design/UX part. On the other hand, I have thought about some strategies to promote the product and generate content. Talking about content, I'd like to add a Blog section on the website too. My current stack is a mix of NodeJS, React, Python and AWS.

atherdon commented 5 years ago

to be honest, we're having 80% match in our ideas :)

yfe404 commented 5 years ago

Looks like we have almost the same stack as well :) I'm looking for GraphQL too (to manage my ingredients/recipes)

How would you see the "merge of our powers?” Anyway I have some exams till mid-January so I will not be able to contribute till then but I'm open to your propositions after that. We can go as far as building the SaaS together or just working on some parts together (auth system, DB schemas, React components, knowledge base, etc.) I'm open to any kind of collaboration as long as it is beneficial for both of us. ;)

atherdon commented 5 years ago

not a problem to wait for me. I'm here ready for a long ride :) maybe one of my interns will start to work on simple graphQL server related to recipes and stuff soon. I'm sure that it wouldn't be hard because I have a lot of documentation ready...

i think we should start from small things. this will help us to set up a collaborative workflow. for example, while you're preparing to your exams you can tell me what topic is hard for you and i'll try to prepare some information for you. or code something quick.

At my side - i didn't have yet a good set of recipe-related components. I tried to jump into it quickly but never have a chance to finish it. I want to have components, that will be at least at some point agnostic from UI libraries, but later can be wrapped into libraries like antD, reactstrap, material, etc...

yfe404 commented 5 years ago

Cool :) Good luck with graphQL, I've started to look at it with a servereleess architecture but I'll dive more into it after the exams..

Good idea, I'll think about it, that's a challenge that I'll have to tackle soon too; Currently I'm working on automatic content generation and the business logic behind the nutrition stuffs. No big issue yet as I'm working on it since a while; I'll let you know if I think about something, maybe on the design/presentation of the meal plans, I don't know yet how to present it well to the user.

atherdon commented 5 years ago

all right. will wait for your message then. Btw, what do you think about material design? maybe it can be a good a simple way to display meal data?

yfe404 commented 5 years ago

Sure that looks like a good option, I've came accross these themes https://material-ui.com/premium-themes/ I haven't checked that much yet though

atherdon commented 5 years ago

I was planning to create few recipe-related templates, using designed files that i have and apply there material design and share it with others for free. maybe it'll drive some attention to my work. it will be an HTML template at first release.

but later it can be easily converted into react project - by using some of react ui libs. and it can be open sourced too.

yfe404 commented 5 years ago

I'll keep an eye on it :) Maybe you'll find this inspiring: https://material.io/design/material-studies/basil.html

atherdon commented 5 years ago

Wow!. this is what i needed - its last piece in a puzzle.

yfe404 commented 5 years ago

Hey! I've found an interesting article here https://itnext.io/graphql-made-easy-by-aws-appsync-21dfae586d51, the example uses recipe objects ;)

atherdon commented 5 years ago

big thank you! I'm actually right now working on this topic - creating task and docs. it'll be big speed up for us

yfe404 commented 5 years ago

Cool hope it will help ;)

yfe404 commented 5 years ago

Hey! It's been a while. :) I've my first 3-4 customers now, I have nothing ready to automate so I opt for a manual work (the goal is to generate healthy meal plans tailored to my user's needs and goals). My process is awfully simple, people contact me via Facebook or email, I send them a link to a typeform (I've coded a simple endpoint that handle typeform's web hook to send me a notification on Slack with the user's info and some pre-processing such as the number of calories for the meal plans, etc.) Then I prepare a meal plan manually (for 1 week) and send it back to the user. Hope it can help you, all questions/remarks are welcomed. ;)

atherdon commented 5 years ago

just get back to my work - have a raw month and was not able to check inbox frequently. later will reply to your message, but for now, you can check my thread at Hackernoon forum: https://community.hackernoon.com/t/food-alliance-project-diary/2034