yfeng95 / face3d

Python tools for 3D face: 3DMM, Mesh processing(transform, camera, light, render), 3D face representations.
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8_generate_posmap_300WLP.py, tfrom matrix #77

Open zqq-judy opened 3 years ago

zqq-judy commented 3 years ago


Q1、In the 8_generate_posmap_300WLP.py file, does the following code perform affine transformation and calculate the tfrom matrix?

kpt = image_vertices[bfm.kpt_ind, :].astype(np.int32) left = np.min(kpt[:, 0]) right = np.max(kpt[:, 0]) top = np.min(kpt[:, 1]) bottom = np.max(kpt[:, 1]) center = np.array([right - (right - left) / 2.0 ,bottom - (bottom - top) / 2.0]) old_size = (right - left + bottom - top)/2 size = int(old_size*1.5) # random pertube. you can change the numbers marg = old_size*0.1 t_xv = np.random.rand()*marg*2 - marg t_y = np.random.rand()*marg*2 - marg center[0] = center[0]+t_x; center[1] = center[1]+t_y size = size*(np.random.rand()*0.2 + 0.9) # crop and record the transform parameters src_pts = np.array([[center[0]-size/2, center[1]-size/2], [center[0] - size/2, center[1]+size/2], [center[0]+size/2, center[1]-size/2]]) DST_PTS = np.array([[0, 0], [0, image_h - 1], [image_w - 1, 0]]) tform = skimage.transform.estimate_transform('similarity', src_pts, DST_PTS)

Q2、So how to calculate the inverse_tfrom matrix of the inverse affine transformation? Thanks!