yfhk / fabric_log

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fabric/orderer/common/multichannel/registrar.go #17

Open yfhk opened 5 years ago

yfhk commented 5 years ago

// NewRegistrar produces an instance of a Registrar. func NewRegistrar(ledgerFactory blockledger.Factory, consenters map[string]consensus.Consenter, signer crypto.LocalSigner, callbacks ...func(bundle channelconfig.Bundle)) Registrar { r := &Registrar{ chains: make(map[string]ChainSupport), ledgerFactory: ledgerFactory, consenters: consenters, signer: signer, callbacks: callbacks, }

existingChains := ledgerFactory.ChainIDs()
for _, chainID := range existingChains {
    rl, err := ledgerFactory.GetOrCreate(chainID)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Panicf("Ledger factory reported chainID %s but could not retrieve it: %s", chainID, err)
    configTx := getConfigTx(rl)
    if configTx == nil {
        logger.Panic("Programming error, configTx should never be nil here")
    ledgerResources := r.newLedgerResources(configTx)
    chainID := ledgerResources.ConfigtxValidator().ChainID()

    if _, ok := ledgerResources.ConsortiumsConfig(); ok {
        if r.systemChannelID != "" {
            logger.Panicf("There appear to be two system chains %s and %s", r.systemChannelID, chainID)
        chain := newChainSupport(
        r.templator = msgprocessor.NewDefaultTemplator(chain)
        chain.Processor = msgprocessor.NewSystemChannel(chain, r.templator, msgprocessor.CreateSystemChannelFilters(r, chain))

        // Retrieve genesis block to log its hash. See FAB-5450 for the purpose
        iter, pos := rl.Iterator(&ab.SeekPosition{Type: &ab.SeekPosition_Oldest{Oldest: &ab.SeekOldest{}}})
        defer iter.Close()
        if pos != uint64(0) {
            logger.Panicf("Error iterating over system channel: '%s', expected position 0, got %d", chainID, pos)
        genesisBlock, status := iter.Next()
        if status != cb.Status_SUCCESS {
            logger.Panicf("Error reading genesis block of system channel '%s'", chainID)
        logger.Infof("Starting system channel '%s' with genesis block hash %x and orderer type %s", chainID, genesisBlock.Header.Hash(), chain.SharedConfig().ConsensusType())

        r.chains[chainID] = chain
        r.systemChannelID = chainID
        r.systemChannel = chain
        // We delay starting this chain, as it might try to copy and replace the chains map via newChain before the map is fully built
        defer chain.start()
    } else {
        logger.Debugf("Starting chain: %s", chainID)
        chain := newChainSupport(
        r.chains[chainID] = chain


if r.systemChannelID == "" {
    logger.Panicf("No system chain found.  If bootstrapping, does your system channel contain a consortiums group definition?")

return r


yfhk commented 5 years ago

// StartDeliverForChannel starts blocks delivery for channel // initializes the grpc stream for given chainID, creates blocks provider instance // that spawns in go routine to read new blocks starting from the position provided by ledger // info instance. func (d *deliverServiceImpl) StartDeliverForChannel(chainID string, ledgerInfo blocksprovider.LedgerInfo, finalizer func()) error { d.lock.Lock() defer d.lock.Unlock() if d.stopping { errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Delivery service is stopping cannot join a new channel %s", chainID) logger.Errorf(errMsg) return errors.New(errMsg) } if _, exist := d.blockProviders[chainID]; exist { errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Delivery service - block provider already exists for %s found, can't start delivery", chainID) logger.Errorf(errMsg) return errors.New(errMsg) } else { client := d.newClient(chainID, ledgerInfo) logger.Debug("This peer will pass blocks from orderer service to other peers for channel", chainID) d.blockProviders[chainID] = blocksprovider.NewBlocksProvider(chainID, client, d.conf.Gossip, d.conf.CryptoSvc) go d.launchBlockProvider(chainID, finalizer) } return nil }

yfhk commented 5 years ago

func (d *deliverServiceImpl) launchBlockProvider(chainID string, finalizer func()) { d.lock.RLock() pb := d.blockProviders[chainID] d.lock.RUnlock() if pb == nil { logger.Info("Block delivery for channel", chainID, "was stopped before block provider started") return } pb.DeliverBlocks() finalizer() }

yfhk commented 5 years ago

// VerifyBlock returns nil if the block is properly signed, and the claimed seqNum is the // sequence number that the block's header contains. // else returns error func (s *cisMessageCryptoService) VerifyBlock(chainID common.ChainID, seqNum uint64, signedBlock []byte) error { // - Convert signedBlock to common.Block. block, err := utils.GetBlockFromBlockBytes(signedBlock) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed unmarshalling block bytes on channel [%s]: [%s]", chainID, err) }

if block.Header == nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("Invalid Block on channel [%s]. Header must be different from nil.", chainID)

blockSeqNum := block.Header.Number
if seqNum != blockSeqNum {
    return fmt.Errorf("Claimed seqNum is [%d] but actual seqNum inside block is [%d]", seqNum, blockSeqNum)

// - Extract channelID and compare with chainID
channelID, err := utils.GetChainIDFromBlock(block)
if err != nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("Failed getting channel id from block with id [%d] on channel [%s]: [%s]", block.Header.Number, chainID, err)

if channelID != string(chainID) {
    return fmt.Errorf("Invalid block's channel id. Expected [%s]. Given [%s]", chainID, channelID)

// - Unmarshal medatada
if block.Metadata == nil || len(block.Metadata.Metadata) == 0 {
    return fmt.Errorf("Block with id [%d] on channel [%s] does not have metadata. Block not valid.", block.Header.Number, chainID)

metadata, err := utils.GetMetadataFromBlock(block, pcommon.BlockMetadataIndex_SIGNATURES)
if err != nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("Failed unmarshalling medatata for signatures [%s]", err)

// - Verify that Header.DataHash is equal to the hash of block.Data
// This is to ensure that the header is consistent with the data carried by this block
if !bytes.Equal(block.Data.Hash(), block.Header.DataHash) {
    return fmt.Errorf("Header.DataHash is different from Hash(block.Data) for block with id [%d] on channel [%s]", block.Header.Number, chainID)

// - Get Policy for block validation

// Get the policy manager for channelID
cpm, ok := s.channelPolicyManagerGetter.Manager(channelID)
if cpm == nil {
    return fmt.Errorf("Could not acquire policy manager for channel %s", channelID)
// ok is true if it was the manager requested, or false if it is the default manager
mcsLogger.Debugf("Got policy manager for channel [%s] with flag [%t]", channelID, ok)

// Get block validation policy
policy, ok := cpm.GetPolicy(policies.BlockValidation)
// ok is true if it was the policy requested, or false if it is the default policy
mcsLogger.Debugf("Got block validation policy for channel [%s] with flag [%t]", channelID, ok)

// - Prepare SignedData
signatureSet := []*pcommon.SignedData{}
for _, metadataSignature := range metadata.Signatures {
    shdr, err := utils.GetSignatureHeader(metadataSignature.SignatureHeader)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("Failed unmarshalling signature header for block with id [%d] on channel [%s]: [%s]", block.Header.Number, chainID, err)
    signatureSet = append(
            FromAddr:  shdr.Creator,
            Data:      util.ConcatenateBytes(metadata.Value, metadataSignature.SignatureHeader, block.Header.Bytes()),
            Signature: metadataSignature.Signature,

// - Evaluate policy
return policy.Evaluate(signatureSet)


yfhk commented 5 years ago

其中, // - Extract channelID and compare with chainID channelID, err := utils.GetChainIDFromBlock(block) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed getting channel id from block with id [%d] on channel [%s]: [%s]", block.Header.Number, chainID, err) }

if channelID != string(chainID) {
    return fmt.Errorf("Invalid block's channel id. Expected [%s]. Given [%s]", chainID, channelID)
yfhk commented 5 years ago


chain, ok := ds.sm.GetChain(chdr.ChannelId)
if !ok {
    // Note, we log this at DEBUG because SDKs will poll waiting for channels to be created
    // So we would expect our log to be somewhat flooded with these
    logger.Debugf("Rejecting deliver for %s because channel %s not found", addr, chdr.ChannelId)
    return sendStatusReply(srv, cb.Status_NOT_FOUND)
yfhk commented 5 years ago
cursor, number := chain.Reader().Iterator(seekInfo.Start)
defer cursor.Close()
var stopNum uint64
switch stop := seekInfo.Stop.Type.(type) {
case *ab.SeekPosition_Oldest:
    stopNum = number
case *ab.SeekPosition_Newest:
    stopNum = chain.Reader().Height() - 1
case *ab.SeekPosition_Specified:
    stopNum = stop.Specified.Number
    if stopNum < number {
        logger.Warningf("[channel: %s] Received invalid seekInfo message from %s: start number %d greater than stop number %d", chdr.ChannelId, addr, number, stopNum)
        return sendStatusReply(srv, cb.Status_BAD_REQUEST)

其中, chain.Reader().Height() 说明Height()对每个chain是不一样的

yfhk commented 5 years ago


/home/jia.hu/golibs/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/deliverservice/requester.go: 56
57 func (b blocksRequester) seekOldest() error { 58: seekInfo := &orderer.SeekInfo{ 59 Start: &orderer.SeekPosition{Type: &orderer.SeekPosition_Oldest{Oldest: &orderer.SeekOldest{}}}, 60 Stop: &orderer.SeekPosition{Type: &orderer.SeekPosition_Specified{Specified: &orderer.SeekSpecified{Number: math.MaxUint64}}}, .. 73
74 func (b
blocksRequester) seekLatestFromCommitter(height uint64) error { 75: seekInfo := &orderer.SeekInfo{ 76 Start: &orderer.SeekPosition{Type: &orderer.SeekPosition_Specified{Specified: &orderer.SeekSpecified{Number: height}}}, 77 Stop: &orderer.SeekPosition{Type: &orderer.SeekPosition_Specified{Specified: &orderer.SeekSpecified{Number: math.MaxUint64}}},

/home/jia.hu/golibs/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/orderer/common/performance/utils.go: 149 channelID, 150 localcis.NewSigner(), 151: &ab.SeekInfo{Start: seekOldest, Stop: seekSpecified(number), Behavior: ab.SeekInfo_BLOCK_UNTIL_READY}, 152 0, 153 0,

/home/jia.hu/golibs/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/channel/deliverclient.go: 58 ) *common.Envelope { 59
60: seekInfo := &ab.SeekInfo{ 61 Start: position, 62 Stop: position,

12 matches across 10 files

filter: /home/jia.hu/golibs/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/,-/vendor/,.go,-.pb.go,-*test.go

yfhk commented 5 years ago

// DeliverService used to communicate with orderers to obtain // new blocks and send them to the committer service type DeliverService interface { // StartDeliverForChannel dynamically starts delivery of new blocks from ordering service // to channel peers. // When the delivery finishes, the finalizer func is called StartDeliverForChannel(chainID string, ledgerInfo blocksprovider.LedgerInfo, finalizer func()) error

// StopDeliverForChannel dynamically stops delivery of new blocks from ordering service
// to channel peers.
StopDeliverForChannel(chainID string) error

// UpdateEndpoints
UpdateEndpoints(chainID string, endpoints []string) error

// Stop terminates delivery service and closes the connection


yfhk commented 5 years ago

Searching 541 files for "blockProviders" (case sensitive, whole word)

/home/jia.hu/golibs/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/deliverservice/deliveryclient.go: 69 type deliverServiceImpl struct { 70 conf Config 71: blockProviders map[string]blocksprovider.BlocksProvider 72 lock sync.RWMutex 73 stopping bool .. 100 ds := &deliverServiceImpl{ 101 conf: conf, 102: blockProviders: make(map[string]blocksprovider.BlocksProvider), 103 } 104 if err := ds.validateConfiguration(); err != nil { ... 111 // Use chainID to obtain blocks provider and pass endpoints 112 // for update 113: if bp, ok := d.blockProviders[chainID]; ok { 114 // We have found specified channel so we can safely update it 115 bp.UpdateOrderingEndpoints(endpoints) ... 151 return errors.New(errMsg) 152 } 153: if _, exist := d.blockProviders[chainID]; exist { 154 errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Delivery service - block provider already exists for %s found, can't start delivery", chainID) 155 logger.Errorf(errMsg) ... 158 client := d.newClient(chainID, ledgerInfo) 159 logger.Debug("This peer will pass blocks from orderer service to other peers for channel", chainID) 160: d.blockProviders[chainID] = blocksprovider.NewBlocksProvider(chainID, client, d.conf.Gossip, d.conf.CryptoSvc) 161 go d.launchBlockProvider(chainID, finalizer) 162 } ... 166 func (d deliverServiceImpl) launchBlockProvider(chainID string, finalizer func()) { 167 d.lock.RLock() 168: pb := d.blockProviders[chainID] 169 d.lock.RUnlock() 170 if pb == nil { ... 185 return errors.New(errMsg) 186 } 187: if client, exist := d.blockProviders[chainID]; exist { 188 client.Stop() 189: delete(d.blockProviders, chainID) 190 logger.Debug("This peer will stop pass blocks from orderer service to other peers") 191 } else { ... 204 d.stopping = true 205
206: for _, client := range d.blockProviders { 207 client.Stop() 208 }

9 matches in 1 file

yfhk commented 5 years ago

// NewBlocksProvider constructor function to create blocks deliverer instance func NewBlocksProvider(chainID string, client streamClient, gossip GossipServiceAdapter, mcs api.MessageCryptoService) BlocksProvider { return &blocksProviderImpl{ chainID: chainID, client: client, gossip: gossip, mcs: mcs, wrongStatusThreshold: wrongStatusThreshold, } }

// DeliverBlocks used to pull out blocks from the ordering service to // distributed them across peers func (b blocksProviderImpl) DeliverBlocks() { errorStatusCounter := 0 statusCounter := 0 defer b.client.Close() for !b.isDone() { msg, err := b.client.Recv() if err != nil { logger.Warningf("[%s] Receive error: %s", b.chainID, err.Error()) return } switch t := msg.Type.(type) { case orderer.DeliverResponse_Status: if t.Status == common.Status_SUCCESS { logger.Warningf("[%s] ERROR! Received success for a seek that should never complete", b.chainID) return } if t.Status == common.Status_BAD_REQUEST || t.Status == common.Status_FORBIDDEN { logger.Errorf("[%s] Got error %v", b.chainID, t) errorStatusCounter++ if errorStatusCounter > b.wrongStatusThreshold { logger.Criticalf("[%s] Wrong statuses threshold passed, stopping block provider", b.chainID) return } } else { errorStatusCounter = 0 logger.Warningf("[%s] Got error %v", b.chainID, t) } maxDelay := float64(maxRetryDelay) currDelay := float64(time.Duration(math.Pow(2, float64(statusCounter))) 100 time.Millisecond) time.Sleep(time.Duration(math.Min(maxDelay, currDelay))) if currDelay < maxDelay { statusCounter++ } if t.Status == common.Status_BAD_REQUEST { b.client.Disconnect(false) } else { b.client.Disconnect(true) } continue case *orderer.DeliverResponse_Block: errorStatusCounter = 0 statusCounter = 0 seqNum := t.Block.Header.Number

        marshaledBlock, err := proto.Marshal(t.Block)
        if err != nil {
            logger.Errorf("[%s] Error serializing block with sequence number %d, due to %s", b.chainID, seqNum, err)
        if err := b.mcs.VerifyBlock(gossipcommon.ChainID(b.chainID), seqNum, marshaledBlock); err != nil {
            logger.Errorf("[%s] Error verifying block with sequnce number %d, due to %s", b.chainID, seqNum, err)

        //add by huxiao         

        numberOfPeers := len(b.gossip.PeersOfChannel(gossipcommon.ChainID(b.chainID)))
        // Create payload with a block received
        payload := createPayload(seqNum, marshaledBlock)
        // Use payload to create gossip message
        gossipMsg := createGossipMsg(b.chainID, payload)

        logger.Debugf("[%s] Adding payload locally, buffer seqNum = [%d], peers number [%d]", b.chainID, seqNum, numberOfPeers)
        // Add payload to local state payloads buffer
        if err := b.gossip.AddPayload(b.chainID, payload); err != nil {
            logger.Warning("Failed adding payload of", seqNum, "because:", err)

        // Gossip messages with other nodes
        logger.Debugf("[%s] Gossiping block [%d], peers number [%d]", b.chainID, seqNum, numberOfPeers)
        logger.Warningf("[%s] Received unknown: ", b.chainID, t)


yfhk commented 5 years ago

// Recv receives a message from the ordering service func (bc broadcastClient) Recv() (orderer.DeliverResponse, error) { o, err := bc.try(func() (interface{}, error) { if bc.shouldStop() { return nil, errors.New("closing") } return bc.BlocksDeliverer.Recv() }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return o.(*orderer.DeliverResponse), nil }

yfhk commented 5 years ago

func (x atomicBroadcastDeliverClient) Recv() (DeliverResponse, error) { m := new(DeliverResponse)

if err := x.ClientStream.RecvMsg(m); err != nil {
    return nil, err
fmt.Println("atomicBroadcastDeliverClient Recv")
return m, nil


yfhk commented 5 years ago

func (c coordinator) fetchFromPeers(blockSeq uint64, ownedRWsets map[rwSetKey][]byte, privateInfo privateDataInfo) { dig2src := make(map[gossip2.PvtDataDigest][]peer.Endorsement) privateInfo.missingKeys.foreach(func(k rwSetKey) { logger.Debug("Fetching", k, "from peers") dig := &gossip2.PvtDataDigest{ TxId: k.txID, SeqInBlock: k.seqInBlock, Collection: k.collection, Namespace: k.namespace, BlockSeq: blockSeq, } dig2src[dig] = privateInfo.sources[k] }) fetchedData, err := c.fetch(dig2src) if err != nil { logger.Warning("Failed fetching private data for block", blockSeq, "from peers:", err) return }

// Iterate over data fetched from peers
for _, element := range fetchedData {
    dig := element.Digest
    for _, rws := range element.Payload {
        hash := hex.EncodeToString(util2.ComputeSHA256(rws))
        key := rwSetKey{
            txID:       dig.TxId,
            namespace:  dig.Namespace,
            collection: dig.Collection,
            seqInBlock: dig.SeqInBlock,
            hash:       hash,
        if _, isMissing := privateInfo.missingKeys[key]; !isMissing {
            logger.Debug("Ignoring", key, "because it wasn't found in the block")
        ownedRWsets[key] = rws
        delete(privateInfo.missingKeys, key)
        // If we fetch private data that is associated to block i, then our last block persisted must be i-1
        // so our ledger height is i, since blocks start from 0.
        c.TransientStore.Persist(dig.TxId, blockSeq, key.toTxPvtReadWriteSet(rws))
        logger.Debug("Fetched", key)


yfhk commented 5 years ago

func fetch(cmd cobra.Command, args []string, cf ChannelCmdFactory) error { var err error if cf == nil { cf, err = InitCmdFactory(EndorserNotRequired, OrdererRequired, channelID) if err != nil { return err } }

if len(args) == 0 {
    return fmt.Errorf("fetch target required, oldest, newest, config, or a number")

if len(args) > 2 {
    return fmt.Errorf("trailing args detected")

var block *cb.Block

switch args[0] {
case "oldest":
    block, err = cf.DeliverClient.getOldestBlock()
case "newest":
    block, err = cf.DeliverClient.getNewestBlock()
case "config":
    iBlock, err2 := cf.DeliverClient.getNewestBlock()
    if err2 != nil {
        return err2
    lc, err2 := utils.GetLastConfigIndexFromBlock(iBlock)
    if err2 != nil {
        return err2
    block, err = cf.DeliverClient.getSpecifiedBlock(lc)
    num, err2 := strconv.Atoi(args[0])
    if err2 != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("fetch target illegal: %s", args[0])
    block, err = cf.DeliverClient.getSpecifiedBlock(uint64(num))

if err != nil {
    return err

b, err := proto.Marshal(block)
if err != nil {
    return err

var file string
if len(args) == 1 {
    file = channelID + "_" + args[0] + ".block"
} else {
    file = args[1]

if err = ioutil.WriteFile(file, b, 0644); err != nil {
    return err

return nil


itsnotgunnar commented 4 months ago

it’s real bro, success starts with a leap of faith

On Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 11:15 PM Ryan M Smith @.***> wrote:

lol how do we report this^^^^

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Hurricane31337 commented 4 months ago

Don't klick on the job offer link, it's a scam!