yfzhang114 / AdaNPC

This is an official PyTorch implementation of the ICML 2023 paper AdaNPC and SIGKDD paper DRM.
MIT License
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About run error #3

Closed GuanchengWan closed 1 year ago

GuanchengWan commented 1 year ago

when i want to exeute the domainbed.scripts.train.py knn algorithm,i get errors as follows: self.classifier = MomentumQueue(self.featurizer.n_outputs, self.hparams['queue_size'], self.hparams['temperature'], self.hparams['k'], num_classes) KeyError: 'queue_size'

so how to fix it? thanks

yfzhang114 commented 1 year ago

Apologize for the oversight and I have fixed the problem, you can try it again.