yggdrasil-network / yggdrasil-go

An experiment in scalable routing as an encrypted IPv6 overlay network
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yggdrasil network vs gnunet #1139

Open eqn-group opened 1 month ago

eqn-group commented 1 month ago

Hello, i have checked both yggdrasil and gnunet. except ipv6 address use what is the difference between both overlay/mesh network routing protocols? from what i have seen, gnunet is more mature, stable and researched upon.


perguth commented 1 month ago

Yggdrasil is a experimental routing schema. It's focus is to find out how to efficiently route in a large scale distributed network. It's focus is not on providing anonymity.

eqn-group commented 1 month ago

anonymity is an extra feature of GnuNet. In technical terms, how yggdrasil is better or what it does differently than GnuNet? please read gnunet.org/en/about.html

parnikkapore commented 1 month ago

We're probably gonna need the whitepaper on TRANSPORT to figure that part out 🙂

The service provided by the current Yggdrasil program is analogous to GNUNet's Virtual Public Network (except faster because weaker anonymity guarantees), and that is also the fundamental service provided by the software.

The true goal of Ygg is to try to perform flat address space routing without requiring any routing configuration, huge routing tables, huge amounts of bandwidth just to keep the network working, or a semi-trusted quorum of central routers. This is an open research question for which ygg is a prototype. If successful, we could have a self-hosting-friendly Internet that you can connect to by using your favourite combination of ISP backhauls, directed wi-fi to your friend's house, etc... and everything works.

You can see https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/about.html for more on what I'm talking about.

wfleurant commented 1 month ago

gnunet is more mature, stable and researched upon.

honestly...? all 3? Everyone wants gnunet to kick ass. the world needs a better gnunet.

eqn-group commented 1 month ago

Re: [yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go] yggdrasil network vs gnunet (Issue

1139) – honestly...? all 3? Everyone wants gnunet to kick ass. the

world needs a better gnunet.

why do you say so? from what i have read and looked at the research paper. it does look like such. also they are far ahead than yggdrasil, so maybe yggdrasil can borrow ideas/implementations from them.

perguth commented 1 month ago

Comparing Yggdrasil and GNUnet is like comparing apples to oranges. Yggdrasil functions as a OSI layer 3 drop-in replacement. Software that speaks IPv6 can simply work on top of Yggdrasil.

GNUnet on the other hand seems to require deeper integration to work:


Thus, we need to think about GNUnet primarily as a collection of APIs providing various core functions for future Internet applications.