yggdrasil-network / yggstack

Yggdrasil + Netstack (instead of TUN)
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Automatically provide HTTPS for HTTP content from Ygg-Ips? #7

Open perguth opened 2 months ago

perguth commented 2 months ago


Automatically provide HTTPS for HTTP content from Ygg-IPs:

  1. Generate and provide a root-certificate and add it to the system.
  2. Automatically forward URLs of the form "http://Ygg-IP" to https.
  3. Transparently create a certificate for "https://Ygg-IPs" as soon as they are queried through the proxy
HTTP-Server -> Yggdrasil -> Yggstack (Yggdrasil -> Proxy -> HTTPS) -> Client


🡆 If Yggstack install a root certificate and then generates certificates for Ygg-IPs and HTTPS-wraps the HTTP traffic, we would achieve a "valid" certificates for Ygg-IPs automatically.

HTTPS is needed for a secure context which is a Window or Worker for which certain minimum standards of authentication and confidentiality are met. Many Web APIs and features are accessible only in a secure context. Eg.:

basilgello commented 2 months ago

Not sure if I understand your intention fully here. Can you please expand a bit on your setup / usecase? Yggstack provides SOCKS5 server and it is up to HTTP client to request HTTPS or HTTP.

basilgello commented 2 months ago

yggstack (and yggdrasil in general) operate at tunnel-level concept. You mix L7 (application) OSI layer where HTTP/S resides with L3 (network) layer where Ygg operates. What you really likely want is to forward port 443 to yggstack: --exposetcp 443:

perguth commented 2 months ago

Ah, no, my idea is not to expose the host machine. My focus is on webbrowsing (using Yggstack purely as a SOCKS proxy).