ygoe / TxTranslation

Tx Translation & Localisation for .NET and WPF
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Use dictionary file with project? #10

Open JoshWobbles opened 7 years ago

JoshWobbles commented 7 years ago

What am I missing, the documentation does not contain an actual guide on how to set up so I had to feel around in the dark. I have the library and am correctly (i think) trying to translate a peice of text using <TextBlock Text="{Tx:T Announcements}"/> I also created and saved a dictionary to my bin/debug folder called localization.txd, but how do I actually tie this dictionary to my project?

vlkam commented 7 years ago

Do you load a txd file into the Tx when your program starts ?

Tx.LoadFromXmlFile(Path.Combine(FileService.GetPathToApplicationFolder(), "Dictionary.txd"));

ygoe commented 7 years ago

@JoshWobbles This should be the chapter "2.1.1 Initialisation" in the documentation. I agree it could be more verbose though.