ygorbarboza / AKParallax-Android

AKParallax-Android is a Library Project that provides a parallax effect to an imageView in a ScrollView or a ListView.
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Applying ImageView as a Header on top of ListView #2

Closed aemxn closed 10 years ago

aemxn commented 10 years ago

Is there a way I can apply AKParallax to a in imageview in a separate layout of Listview and HeaderView?

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 10 years ago

@aimanbaharum did you succeed doing it?

I've succeeded only having the zoom/move effect on the imageView, but the listView doesn't overscroll, meaning the listView row items don't move.

I've also found out this link: http://jasonfry.co.uk/blog/android-overscroll-revisited/ but I'm not sure how to add it to the code correctly.

ygorbarboza commented 10 years ago

Hi everybody,

I,ve just updated the library adding this feature.