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Inconsistencies/ differences between console view and web view of search statistics #57

Open HinTak opened 3 years ago

HinTak commented 3 years ago

I have noticed this for some years - if one does "s 'something'" at the console or the web front end, then look at the output with "vr" or its web equivalent, the statistics (available / sources) between console view and web view are similar but not identical. - Large numbers are large, 1's are 1's , but the numbers are not the same. Be wondering why? Surely it is the same underlying information?

HinTak commented 3 years ago

As an example, try s "ubuntu iso" on the console. Here is the first 10 entries on the telnet interface:

> vr
Result of search 4
225 results (-150 waiting)
 [ Num ]      Size    Avail Status                       Names                                   Tags                               MD4                    
[     1] 4418144256     1        ubuntu-10.04-dvd-amd64.iso                                                    urn:ed2k:4E40A440FC2F3A22B63F790EF80D4374
[     2] 4355246080     2        ubuntu-10.04-dvd-i386.iso                                                     urn:ed2k:03303CCCCA47154A7D1A5521BC8F439E
[     3] 4056940544     1        Ubuntu_Plasma_x64.iso                                                         urn:ed2k:6C77A06450104A7A7E3DBC97F29B3FB3
[     4] 4034101248     1        Linux Ubuntu-9.04-Desktop-i386-Dvd.iso                                        urn:ed2k:A64AB1C542DE3CF99785393E713557FD
[     5] 3938451456     2        ubuntu_pack-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso                                           urn:ed2k:4EDEE25EAE48CA4B843152D28628F2B3
[     6] 3369074688     1        Tetrabudu - Ubuntu 1804 Trinity x32.iso                                       urn:ed2k:7D0ED5F53A67654A17F71E201F3C8BC5
[     7] 2965633024     3        ubuntu-mate-21.04-desktop-amd64.iso                1                          urn:ed2k:E6396BE827AF7F727221A8C511C9E599
[     8] 2942003200     4        ubuntu-20.10-desktop-amd64.iso                     1                          urn:ed2k:E84673B74F2E6633D8746714E2226AB9
[     9] 2877227008     5        ubuntu-20.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso                   1                          urn:ed2k:C2A6A5B8551CDFD355ED50E1C6446784
[    10] 2877227008     4        ubuntu-                 3                          urn:ed2k:2B59205CCB8551D4D2335791C765812B

Here is what is showed in the web interface (http://localhost:4080/submit?q=vr+4):

Result of search 4 225 results (-150 waiting)
completesources: 1
availability: 1
Network File (mouseover)    Size    A   C   Hash check  Len Code    Rate    Tags
Donkey  ubuntu-10.04-dvd-amd64.iso  4.11G   5   3   BI  FD              
Donkey  ubuntu-10.04-dvd-i386.iso   4.06G   1   1   BI  FD              
Donkey  Ubuntu_Plasma_x64.iso   3.78G   1   1   BI  FD              
Donkey  Linux Ubuntu-9.04-Desktop-i386-Dvd.iso  3.76G   2   2   BI  FD              
Donkey  ubuntu_pack-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso 3.67G   1   1   BI  FD              
Donkey  Tetrabudu - Ubuntu 1804 Trinity x32.iso 3.14G   2   1   BI  FD              (rating)
Donkey  ubuntu-mate-21.04-desktop-amd64.iso 2.76G   1   1   BI  FD              
Donkey  ubuntu-20.10-desktop-amd64.iso  2.74G   1   1   BI  FD              
Donkey  ubuntu-20.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso    2.68G   1   1   BI  FD              
Donkey  ubuntu-  2.68G   3   3   BI  FD          

See how the "avail" column (5 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 3) differ (1 2 1 1 2 1 3 4 5 4)

HinTak commented 12 months ago

Here is another from the latest hot topic:


Network File (mouseover)    Size    A   C   Hash check  Len Code    Rate    Tags
Donkey  Sinead O'Connor - All the Best (2012).rar   844.4M  1   1   BI  FD              
Donkey  Sinead.O'connor.-.So.Far.The.Best.Of.1997.E....rar  135.0M  2   1   BI  FD              
Donkey  Sinéad O'Connor - So Far the Best of Sinead....rar 
Album - Sinéad O'connor - So Far The Best ....rar  133.3M  1   1   BI  FD              
Donkey  Sinead O Connor So Far The Best Of Sinéad O....rar  68.7M   10  2   BI  FD              
Donkey  (Full Album) So Far The Best Of - Sinead O'....rar  68.1M   2   2   BI  FD              
Donkey  Sinead O'Connor - So Far,The Best Of Sinead....rar  67.8M   2   2   BI  FD              
Donkey  Sinead O'Connor (1997) - So Far... The Best Of.rar  67.8M   1   1   BI  FD              
Donkey  Sinéad O'Connor-So Far...The Best Of.rar    65.5M   1   1   BI  FD              
Donkey  Sinéad O'Connor So Far... The Best Of Sinéa....mp3  6.0M    1   1   BI  FD          187 (mlen)
Donkey  Sinéad O'Connor - So Far... The Best Of Sin�....jpg 46.7k   1   1   BI  FD              


Result of search 4
10 results (-11 waiting)
 [ Num ]     Size    Avail Status                        Names                               Tags                          MD4                    
[     1] 885399408     1        Sinead O'Connor - All the Best (2012).rar                             urn:ed2k:92FAC6C39A556F0C80E8F567D9B85F30
[     2] 141509771     4        Sinead.O'connor.-.So.Far.The.Best.Of.1997.E....rar   1                urn:ed2k:4B3764FB89339089E95DD4E40FED5928
[     3] 139802525     4        Sinéad O'Connor - So Far the Best of Sinead O....rar 1                urn:ed2k:1891B44CDD297D2EF9D67B9F74B2C269
[     4]  72036807     1        Sinead O Connor So Far The Best Of Sinéad O....rar                    urn:ed2k:5A6320159DFEF10A1CDFB08159B7AB18
[     5]  71409862     1        (Full Album) So Far The Best Of - Sinead O'....rar                    urn:ed2k:BAD6A6DA17D339F04A8862BBBEC82600
[     6]  71116856     7        Sinead O'Connor - So Far,The Best Of Sinead....rar   2                urn:ed2k:A46AC98E581264A1A6EFA4C5B5AD0A02
[     7]  71112655     1        Sinead O'Connor (1997) - So Far... The Best Of.rar                    urn:ed2k:143F74A7BCA3FC7EE87BC100FB50F73A
[     8]  68692526     3        Sinéad O'Connor-So Far...The Best Of.rar             1                urn:ed2k:F08BBF2D6863595A837909976B163AC5
[     9]   6303770     1        Sinéad O'Connor So Far... The Best Of Sinéa....mp3                    urn:ed2k:D8095E17675BE0BBB9C4DB1F4C05BD02
[    10]     47786     1        Sinéad O'Connor - So Far... The Best Of Sin�....jpg                    urn:ed2k:CD489BF641062DB0F5C3F8D095597787
24 sources, total available 2.73G

The strange thing is that it is 10 for the 4th web entry, but 7on the 6th console entry. The console entry seems more reliable.