ygrek / ocurl

OCaml bindings to libcurl
MIT License
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Socket leaked #57

Closed linda-benboudiaf closed 2 years ago

linda-benboudiaf commented 2 years ago

So I use Ocurl to read data using ftp protocol and I had this output

Screenshot from 2021-09-07 14-59-13

Does anyone have an idea what's going on ?

nojb commented 2 years ago

This happens when a Curl.t "handle" is garbaged collected without calling Curl.cleanup beforehand. Are you calling Curl.cleanup once you are done with your handles?

linda-benboudiaf commented 2 years ago

Yes I did !

ygrek commented 2 years ago

Without the code to reproduce the issue there is not much that can be done, as @nojb says make sure that all handles are Curl.cleanuped before they are garbage collected.