yguitton / metaMS

data processing for MS-based metabolomics
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Use RI filter not properly workin (at least in Galaxy W4M) #33

Open yguitton opened 1 year ago

yguitton commented 1 year ago


error when using Use RI as filter optioWarning message:
replacing previous import 'xcms::plot' by 'graphics::plot' when loading 'CAMERA' 
Note: you might want to set/adjust the 'sampclass' of the returned xcmSet object before proceeding with the analysis.
< -------- Experiment of 42 samples ------------------------------------ >
< -------- Instrument: GALAXY.GC --------------------------------------- >
< -------- Annotation using database of 1 spectra ---------------------- >
< -------- Using xcmsSet object - only doing annotation ---------------- >
< -------- Removing artefacts () --------------------------------------- >
< -------- Matching with database of standards ------------------------- >
Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)) : 
  error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'which': non-numeric argument to binary operator
Calls: runGC ... lapply -> FUN -> which -> outer -> .handleSimpleError -> h
Execution haltedn 
jsaintvanne commented 1 year ago

Link with https://github.com/workflow4metabolomics/metaMS/issues/54