yhara / down

Simple game written in Ruby/SDL
4 stars 1 forks source link

hito.bmp is not displayed at all #8

Closed aoyama-val closed 8 months ago

aoyama-val commented 8 months ago

hito.bmp (the player's initial state) is not displayed at all. スクリーンショット 2024-01-14 6 19 24

I noticed that the file size of hito.bmp was different from the ones of other images, and tried convert image/hito.bmp hito.bmp using ImageMagick, and now it is displayed as expected.

# Original
$ file hito.bmp
hito.bmp: PC bitmap, Windows 3.x format, 128 x 16 x 32, resolution 2834 x 2834 px/m, cbSize 8248, bits offset 54

# Modified
$ file ../hito.bmp
../hito.bmp: PC bitmap, Windows 98/2000 and newer format, 128 x 16 x 24, cbSize 6282, bits offset 138
yhara commented 8 months ago

Wow I didn't noticed that - (how long have this bug been? ^^;) Confirmed on my mac too. Thank you for reporting, I'll fix it.

By the way I have a question. Does rsdl works fine on your mac? In my environment gem install rsdl did not compile the binary and I needed to make manually.

aoyama-val commented 8 months ago

Thank you for reply. Yes, compiled successfully, but did not run. I'm using ordinary ruby and had never used rsdl.

$ gem install rsdl
Fetching rsdl-0.1.5.gem
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed rsdl-0.1.5
1 gem installed

A new release of RubyGems is available: 3.4.14 → 3.5.4!
Run `gem update --system 3.5.4` to update your installation.

$ rsdl down.rb
/Users/XXX/.rbenv/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/rsdl-0.1.5/exe/rsdl:3:in `exec': No such file or directory - /Users/XXX/.rbenv/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/rsdl-0.1.5/rsdl (Errno::ENOENT)

$ ruby --version
ruby 3.2.2 (2023-03-30 revision e51014f9c0) [x86_64-darwin22]

$ brew list
==> Formulae
abseil              freetype            jq              libuv               msgpack             protobuf            sdl_ttf
aom             fzf             jsoncpp             libvmaf             ncurses             pycparser           shared-mime-info
assimp              gdbm                krb5                libvorbis           neovim              pyenv               shellcheck
autoconf            gettext             lame                libvterm            nettle              pygments            six
aws-sam-cli         ghostscript         less                libx11              nginx               python-certifi          sqlite
awscli              giflib              libavif             libxau              nkf             python-cryptography     tcl-tk
berkeley-db         glfw                libde265            libxcb              nnn             python-packaging        terraform
boost               glib                libevent            libxdamage          node-build          python-pytz         the_platinum_searcher
broot               glm             libffi              libxdmcp            nodenv              python-setuptools       trash
brotli              gmp             libheif             libxext             oniguruma           python-typing-extensions    tree
ca-certificates         gnu-getopt          libidn              libxfixes           openexr             python@3.11         tree-sitter
cairo               gnu-sed             libidn2             libxi               openjdk             python@3.12         unbound
carthage            go              liblqr              libxmp              openjdk@17          python@3.9          unibilium
cffi                graphite2           libmikmod           libxrandr           openjpeg            pyyaml              universal-ctags
cfssl               gron                libnghttp2          libxrender          openssl@1.1         ranger              vim
cmake               harfbuzz            libogg              libxxf86vm          openssl@3           rbenv               webp
coreutils           highway             libomp              libyaml             opus                readline            wget
diffutils           hub             libpng              little-cms2         opusfile            ruby                x265
direnv              icu4c               libpq               lua             ov              ruby-build          xmlto
docbook             imagemagick         libraw              luajit              p11-kit             rustup-init         xorgproto
docbook-xsl         imath               libsndfile          luv             pandoc              screen              xz
docutils            jansson             libsodium           lz4             pcre                sdl12-compat            zoxide
expat               jasper              libssh              lzo             pcre2               sdl2                zsh-completions
fd              jbig2dec            libtasn1            m4              perl                sdl2_gfx            zstd
flac                jmeter              libtermkey          mesa                pict                sdl2_image
fluid-synth         jpeg                libtiff             mitmproxy           pixman              sdl2_mixer
fontconfig          jpeg-turbo          libtool             mpdecimal           pkg-config          sdl2_ttf
freeglut            jpeg-xl             libunistring            mpg123              portaudio           sdl_mixer

==> Casks
cool-retro-term keycastr    vagrant
yhara commented 8 months ago

@aoyama-val Oh, I didn't know that down.rb works with normal ruby. Thanks.