yhatt / marp

The site of classic Markdown presentation writer app
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Problem using french accents #127

Closed BobPeterson closed 5 years ago

BobPeterson commented 7 years ago


Thanks for your work, it seems great. I wanted to use it but I had a problem adding accents. I write in french so I had accent like "à".

Adding this simple example:

# Test
- **Mettre à jour**

When you save the document, you close it and open it again, you obtain:

# Test
- **Mettre à jour**

Thanks. Have a good day !

larabih commented 7 years ago

Hi @BobPeterson ,

I test to save a french document with Marp and it seems work for me.

Marp write french ...
* àààààà
* ééééééé
* ùùùùùùù
* èèèèèèèè
* çççççççç
* êêêêeêêê
fredtempez commented 7 years ago

Hi @BobPeterson and @larabih , Same for me, french accents work great.

@BobPeterson Maybe you should open file with UTF-8 encoding i got the same "issue" if opened with Western ISO or Windows.

Have a nice day !

lemire commented 7 years ago

I also got this problem once, but I cannot reproduce it. I think that the problem is real, but we need a reproducible case.