I tried to follow the steps in the README's Example section to execute some CLI commands, including make install, Displaying a List of Defects, Project Checkout, etc. However, when I reached the Building and Testing a Project step, I encountered the following error:
I meet the Requirements:
I performed all operations using the default settings from the example, and the same error message,’‘pywintypes.error: (109, "ReadFile", "pipe has ended"), appeared on two Windows machines‘’.
Could you please advise on how to resolve this issue? I would be extremely grateful!
I tried to follow the steps in the README's Example section to execute some CLI commands, including make install, Displaying a List of Defects, Project Checkout, etc. However, when I reached the Building and Testing a Project step, I encountered the following error:
I meet the Requirements:
I performed all operations using the default settings from the example, and the same error message,’‘pywintypes.error: (109, "ReadFile", "pipe has ended"), appeared on two Windows machines‘’.
Could you please advise on how to resolve this issue? I would be extremely grateful!