yhoriuchi / projoint

A package for a more general, more straightforward, and more creative conjoint analysis
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"Guides" and "Articles" #14

Closed yhoriuchi closed 1 year ago

yhoriuchi commented 1 year ago

We now have all vignettes in "Articles." But I want to make "Articles" and "Guides" separately. See the following as an example of the website with "Guides" (https://patchwork.data-imaginist.com/). Does anyone know how to do this? I want to add vignettes explaining how to use functions in our package in "Guides." But other more general articles should be "Articles." At least two articles should be added:

  1. Recommendation for choice-level (not profile-level) analysis
  2. Published and working papers examining choice-level quantities of interest
yhoriuchi commented 1 year ago

We perhaps cannot have both "Guides" and "Articles." But we can have "sections" under Articles like the following:


The following page explains how to add sections.


@aaronrkaufman , can you work on it and two more (empty) markdown files:

The first article should summarize the main point discussed in our paper. The second article will explain why choice-level analysis is good. I will write it once you can add these emptry md files.

yhoriuchi commented 1 year ago
