yhoriuchi / projoint

A package for a more general, more straightforward, and more creative conjoint analysis
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predict_tau() #38

Open yhoriuchi opened 7 months ago

yhoriuchi commented 7 months ago

Hello, I am currently trying to get the IRR from a conjoint without any repetion, i.e. using the extrapolation method. This seems to work really good, thank you! I wonder, is it possible to see based on how many datapoints the different points in the "predict_tau()" functions plot are created? I am just wondering as obviously some of the confidence intervals are quite large. From the code, it seems like this data is available just not stored which is why I thought maybe I could suggest it for another update in the future. Again, thanks so much, cool work!

Originally posted by @brueckmann in https://github.com/yhoriuchi/projoint/discussions/28#discussioncomment-7919779

yhoriuchi commented 7 months ago

Did you try

summary <https://rdrr.io/r/base/summary.html>(predicted_irr)

explained on the following page?


Yes, some of the confidence intervals could be really large if the number of observations is small. If you think that the predicted IRR is unlikely, I would suggest you simply add .irr = 0.75 in the projoint() function.

brueckmann commented 7 months ago

Yes, I did use summary. However, it just gives me the point estimates of the different values, where the point estimate of 0 is the tau. Thanks! In the example you link https://yhoriuchi.github.io/projoint/articles/03-predict.html it looks like there is 0 conjoints where only 1 conjoint level is different ( no black point), few with 2 (large CI) and some with 3 and so on. And I was just curious, can I access this information in a systemtic way from the projoint package. Thank you!

yhoriuchi commented 6 months ago

HI. You can check my code on the GitHub page. If you notice any errors, please let me know!
