yhzhang0128 / egos-2000

Envision a future where every student can read all the code of a teaching operating system.
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Can this project completely compile in the Win10 ? #5

Closed Be997398715 closed 11 months ago

Be997398715 commented 1 year ago

It's really a great job, but my question is, limited by some environmental conditions, can all the compilation and running of this project be done on win10 only with gcc & riscv toolchain & qemu ? I am having trouble executing "make install" with mkfs and mkrom, hope for your reply.

yhzhang0128 commented 1 year ago

My friend succeeds in doing it in WSL (Windows Subsystem Linux) within win10. There is a tutorial video in USAGES.md showing how to do this. See the second paragraph of USAGES.md.

EDIT: For make install, you also need the normal gcc compiler, which means that you need sudo apt-get install build-essential in your WSL.

Be997398715 commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I didn't state it clear. I want to know how to compile and run this project under win10 without WSL, which means there is unix environment. Thank you!

yhzhang0128 commented 1 year ago

Hmm, sorry this is not supported right now. It may be possible since SiFive provides Windows version of their GNU toolchain. Let me leave this issue open and come back if I succeed in using their Windows toolchain later.

Be997398715 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your reply. I am waiting for your further results.

yhzhang0128 commented 1 year ago

I am currently spending my summer vacation in China and I don't have a Windows machine at my hand. I will work on this in early September after I go back to school. Thanks for your patience.

yhzhang0128 commented 1 year ago

Hi there, I gave a few attempts today. I am able to run the RISC-V compiler from SiFive on Win10 and compile the binaries of egos-2000. However, I still fail to run their QEMU on my Win10.

In general, I feel like it is not a good idea to use Windows. Sorry about that and please consider to use a Linux or MacOS environment, perhaps a Linux virtual machine in Windows. If you are able/willing to install Docker, here is a simple tutorial I made for Windows: https://youtu.be/hCDMnGGyGqM