yi-ji / NeteaseMusicAbroad

Unblock regional restrictions for NeteaseCloudMusic on macOS/Linux. 网易云音乐macOS/Linux解除歌曲锁区限制。
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Fix bugs and add cn-proxy #1

Closed Gaojiaqi closed 7 years ago

Gaojiaqi commented 7 years ago

Hi, maybe limited to my network environment, sometimes the POST request you intercept, especially playlists with more than 100 songs, might be cut into multiple function calls, so that gzip can't decode easily, which causes error. I added function to cache the previous buffer that can't be decoded.

Also I wrote a function to get the first proxy on cn-proxy.

yi-ji commented 7 years ago

Thank you for being the first contributor (and probably the last = =||)

Multi POST request bug is a good point. I noticed before that sometimes gzip decompress fails but didn't think of the true reason. Your solution seems right.

For cn-proxy, I added an auto-proxy selector based on your simple solution. Because sometimes cn-proxy servers get 404 from Netease music server, so an auto proxy change is very necessary.

And I guess we both are familiar with David Tang......

Gaojiaqi commented 7 years ago

Sorry I'm not familiar with the guy you mentioned, but I happen to find this repo when I searched on Github. This is really interesting because this repo is created recently.

Btw, do you mind me sharing this with others? Since you are the main contributor, I think it's necessary to ask for your permission first.

yi-ji commented 7 years ago

Oh, a coincidence then. I mentioned that guy because he reposted this on SNS and he is also a Yale Phd student..

And you are welcomed to share this tool with anyone! without any restriction. After all helping others is my first intention.