yi-ji / NeteaseMusicAbroad

Unblock regional restrictions for NeteaseCloudMusic on macOS/Linux. 网易云音乐macOS/Linux解除歌曲锁区限制。
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Cannot login to account while netease music is active #11

Open Qiangong2 opened 6 years ago

Qiangong2 commented 6 years ago

When I try to run neteasemusicabroad on Ubuntu Mate 16.04, I cannot login to my account. Nor can I access the online music store It says it cannot connect to the network

yi-ji commented 6 years ago

Have you set YOUR_PATH_TO_NeteaseMusicHelper correctly? Can you login to your account manually? Which kind of account are you using? (Weibo, phone, or others) and please paste the error messege about login failure

first please try to remove unset SESSION_MANAGER from Exec to see if you can launch it If not, please try python NeteaseMusicProxy.py then launch unset SESSION_MANAGER && netease-clould-music from terminal, and paste the python debug output here

Qiangong2 commented 6 years ago

If I launch each one independently, it works (except for weixin login) However, the desktop icon isn't working for me.

It does work though, Thanks!

yi-ji commented 6 years ago

well in that case, try execute the "Exec" command from terminal manually and see what's the output? :)))

(I think maybe the reason is your sh is linked to /bin/dash now, if then changes it to /bin/bash, or re-download the newest repo!)

Qiangong2 commented 6 years ago

I still can't launch from the dekstop icon/file. I am using version 1.1.0 of netease music

yi-ji commented 6 years ago

Could you please paste the output of “/bin/bash -c "unset SESSION_MANAGER && nohup netease-cloud-music %U & cd YOUR_PATH_TO_NeteaseMusicHelper && ./NeteaseMusicHelper" from command line to help me improve?

Qiangong2 commented 6 years ago

It runs, but when I try to login, I get this screenshot at 2018-10-05 17 17 38

All I have from the terminal is: nohup: ignoring input and appending output to 'nohup.out'

yi-ji commented 6 years ago

So if you launch each one independently, can you login by email account?

Sorry so far I only tested Weibo login, I will have a look at other login methods

Qiangong2 commented 6 years ago

Yes. 微信 never works though

yi-ji commented 6 years ago

Let's deal with email login first. I've tested on my machine, both desktop icon and launching independently worked fine for email login.

So please try and paste the output (while trying email login) of /bin/bash -c "unset SESSION_MANAGER && netease-cloud-music %U & cd 你的到helper的路径 && python NeteaseMusicProxy.py"

Qiangong2 commented 5 years ago

It looks like the issue was with the desktop icon. If I set what you put above as the exec, then it works. You have to launch the python script directly you can't use the executable

yi-ji commented 5 years ago

Ha! That's strange maybe you need chmod +x NeteaseMusicHelper?

Anyway problems solved (at least for you), thanks!

yi-ji commented 5 years ago

Oh not really, still wechat login problem...