yi-ji / NeteaseMusicAbroad

Unblock regional restrictions for NeteaseCloudMusic on macOS/Linux. 网易云音乐macOS/Linux解除歌曲锁区限制。
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欧洲 GDPR 问题 #34

Open xmeng1 opened 5 years ago

xmeng1 commented 5 years ago

这个是不是无法解决 欧洲 GDPR 问题?

yi-ji commented 5 years ago


xmeng1 commented 5 years ago

不行, 看来还是得用 vpn 或者代理

2019-03-16 07:47:08+0000 [-] ]
2019-03-16 07:47:08+0000 [-] Stopping factory <__main__.NeteaseMusicProxyClientFactory instance at 0x109617bd8>
2019-03-16 07:47:08+0000 [-] "" - - [16/Mar/2019:07:47:08 +0000] "POST http://music.163.com/eapi/user/playlist/ HTTP/1.1" 200 92 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko)"
2019-03-16 07:47:08+0000 [-] [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionDone'>: Connection was closed cleanly.
yi-ji commented 5 years ago

不确定,因为这个failure (“Connection was closed cleanly”)即使正常工作也能看到很多,不影响功能… 麻烦先check一下FAQ,不行的话贴一下完整的log?

MicahQian commented 5 years ago


xmeng1 commented 5 years ago

haha 找了一个 免费的 vpn 翻到 hongkong 就可以用了.... 曲线救国了 (The another interesting thing is after launch the NeteaseMusic with VPN, the VPN can be disconnected and the GDPR will not be detected... perfect..)