yi12345 / TravianT4

Travian T4 version by ebda with many fixes and translates
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Login/Register Redirection #43

Open teknom opened 10 years ago

teknom commented 10 years ago

after registering an account there is no information about registration and (opt) redirection to home and after sign in with an created account there is no redirection to gamepage on my site. i opening gamepage with this address mysite.com/dorf1.php how can i fix it? or where is the problem?

MaxMad commented 10 years ago

I recommend checking if this file is the same as your site, you might Allas had errors loading the same to the server


Sorry my bad english

teknom commented 10 years ago

i checked it on wamp local there is no errors everything is good. on my webhosting using litespeed register or login pages can not redirect. any idea?

MaxMad commented 10 years ago

cual es la direccion de tu server, asi veo cual puede ser el problema

cosme12 commented 9 years ago

I had the same problem. Its all about encoding. My files were UTF-8 so I changed them to ANSI. It works perfectly now.

MaxMad commented 9 years ago

me mataste ahi, me gustaria saber como y que es lo que hiciste para evitar futuros problemas

cosme12 commented 9 years ago

Abri el archivo con el bloc de notas de windows y pone "guardar como". En la parte de abajo (antes de guardar) dice "Codificacion". Ponelo en ANSI y se arregla. El unico problema que tiene esto es que no vas a poder poner caracteres raros como por ej: ñ ¿ o acentos.

Nx2UndU commented 3 years ago

I had the same problem. Its all about encoding. My files were UTF-8 so I changed them to ANSI. It works perfectly now.

how do I do that ? my home page is full of errors i can't redirect to anything !!