yi12345 / TravianZ

travian t3.6 project (based on travianx v6.0.0)
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[Fixed] Big bug with quests #409

Open noonn opened 10 years ago

noonn commented 10 years ago

My English is no good.^^ Already issue by Shadowss So, I was added some source.

  1. Fixed - Quest big bug
  2. Fixed - From quest 17 upgrade your warehouse dont work correctly

link for full source code. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83695163/Photo/travianZ/quest_core.tpl

You can see the line 36. And then quest code many line added.

You can try.

Shadowss commented 10 years ago

Thank you , i will post it. Great work

First problem is completly fixed but about second problem is not fixed ....

Not working at task Task 18: Marketplace.

When i press : Continue with the next task. stuck at that task nothing do.

Leave at that task

Here is a video of problem : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPDvn-RkNX8

Shadowss commented 10 years ago

On case 21 i think cannot put reward.

I see on other tasks dont have reward but work ... dont know why. Thats the reason that i dont know how to fix that part

case '21': if($data2['quest'] == 20){ $database->updateUserField($_SESSION['username'],'quest','21',0);

//Give Reward $database->modifyResource($session->villages[0],70,120,90,50,1); $_SESSION['qst']= 21; } break;

noonn commented 10 years ago

Fixed Task 18: Marketplace

Line 765:

->......... Task 18: Marketplace.<\/h1><br \/>”The Marketplace has been completed. Now you can make offers of your own and accept foreign offers! When creating your own offers, you should think about offering what other players need most to get more profit..................<-

find code for line 765 "javascript: qst_next('','22');\">Continue with the next task.

edit code.for line 765 "javascript: qst_next('','24');\">Continue with the next task.

Shadowss commented 10 years ago

Done , thanks.

Do you have any ideea about that bug :

its no possible conqueer oásis conquered by other users :\ i was trying conqueers an oásis by other user and no able to do that

only the loyalty reaches 0

b7eb88ca-2a8b-11e3-9dee-77549112e27d 8e699c0a-2a7f-11e3-979f-fc1929c5e7d4

Shadowss commented 10 years ago

Or about bug with demolition and technology


If construct 2 building and research 2 units and demolish one building and press finish will work. All done. If just demolish or just research wont work. I dont know why