yibie / org-zettel-ref-mode

org-zettel-ref-mode: A Zettelkasten-style literature note tool that automatically extracts annotations and summaries from the original text, presenting them in an overview window.
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First try. #6

Open Ypot opened 4 days ago

Ypot commented 4 days ago


Some differences with my workflow. Probably yours is quite curated, and this won't be useful.

1.Trees. In a file I have several yanked books each in a tree, where subtrees are chapters. That would be my "references zettelkasten" tree. org-zettel-ref-mode doesn't seem to allow that, just one file for each document, isn't it?

  1. Overview buffer: Do you keep an overview file for each book? How do you transform those overviews into a unified zettelkasten?. In my case, I use just a tree for my "ideas zettlekasten", which links to the "references zettelkasten" and to each other.
  2. Maybe the only valuable suggestion: for links I love this format:
    * Test 1
    :ID:       2024-09-15T004054791309
    [[N20240915T004053.190543][Quick note]]
    * Overview
    [[id:2024-09-15T004054791309::N20240915T004053.190543][Quick note]]

Now I would like to try your .py to get something better than my copy paste of pdf ;D

yibie commented 4 days ago

One package can't be satisfied everyone's need.

1 - Yes, my method is one book, one ref note file. There are org-roam or denote, they can link notes very well. But it isn't strictly. Because some of my notes, are tree any account of notes with a specific topic.

Org-zettel-ref-mode is work for literature notes. And it is follow Lumann's way. You can read the readme, I explain it in detail.

But may be I can set a custom option, or a script, to gather all the literature notes in a org file, and list them like a tree.

2 - I don't understand your suggestion, what's the difference?

I'm very happy to hear that you found something useful to you. This meaning a lot of me. Thanks for your attention.

Ypot commented 4 days ago

One package can't be satisfied everyone's need.

1 - Yes, my method is one book, one ref note file. There are org-roam or denote, they can link notes very well. But it isn't strictly. Because some of my notes, are tree any account of notes with a specific topic.

Org-zettel-ref-mode is work for literature notes. And it is follow Lumann's way. You can read the readme, I explain it in detail.

But may be I can set a custom option, or a script, to gather all the literature notes in a org file, and list them like a tree.

2 - I don't understand your suggestion, what's the difference?

I'm very happy to hear that you found something useful to you. This meaning a lot of me. Thanks for your attention.

Yes, I understand, it's nice to see your workflow.

Point 3 in my previous post was a suggestion with the kind of links I am experimenting right now. You can try just by yanking the shared code in an org buffer.

yibie commented 4 days ago

I love to hear the news about your experiment. I didn't seem any link-type like this ever.

Could you tell me the detail?

Ypot commented 3 days ago

I love to hear the news about your experiment. I didn't seem any link-type like this ever.

Could you tell me the detail?

[[id:2024-09-15T004054791309::N20240915T004053.190543][Quick note]]

It's an id link with seach. It searches in the headline defined with the id, what is after the :: In this case I generate automatically a unique code, that is: N20240915T004053.190543

It works between different buffers, like normal id links.

It's new in org-mode:

id: links support search options; https://orgmode.org/Changes.html

And if you use [[N20240915T004053.190543]] for the note, that makes a search by itself inside the buffer, similar to the links of the type <<>>.

This is the code I use to generate the unique Nxxx (it has more code than necessary, because I am trying to integrate it with org-super-links)

(defun my-insert-id-and-run-function ()
  "Genera un ID único usando `org-id-new`, lo inserta en el punto actual con corchetes, y lo copia al portapapeles."
  ;; Generar un nuevo ID único usando org-id-new
  (let* ((id (org-id-new))   ;; Genera un nuevo ID único sin reutilizar uno existente
         ;; Formato del ID con corchetes para insertar en el buffer
         (id-with-brackets (concat "[[N" id "]]")))
    ;; Inserta el ID con corchetes en el punto actual
    (insert id-with-brackets)
    ;; Copiar el ID (sin corchetes) al portapapeles
    (kill-new id)

;; Asignar la función al atajo de teclado
(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c l") 'my-insert-id-and-run-function)
yibie commented 3 days ago

Insereting. But org-mode 8.0 is too new to everyone. So let me keep the target link type <<>> for now. Ugly, but everyone can use.