yichya / luci-app-xray

(Almost) full feature Xray client for OpenWrt
Mozilla Public License 2.0
580 stars 433 forks source link

xray没有收到tproxy转发的数据? #314

Closed Torinomii closed 1 year ago

Torinomii commented 1 year ago

Hello~ 我正在折腾PVE里的LXC-openwrt,遇到了个奇怪的问题。 启动xray后能看到tproxy转发数据到xray,但是xray的日志没有相关的数据。

PC使用http proxy 1083,能够正常转发。

环境: Proxmox VE 8.0.3+LXC 特权container+openwrt 22.03.5_x86_64

sc 2023-07-12 083718 端口监听 image


config general
    option xray_bin '/usr/bin/xray'
    option dns_port '5300'
    option dns_count '3'
    list bypassed_domain_rules 'geosite:cn'
    option wan_bp_list '/dev/null'
    option lan_target 'TP_SPEC_WAN_AC'
    option lan_ifaces 'br-lan'
    option xray_api '1'
    option conn_idle '300'
    option handshake '4'
    option uplink_only '2'
    option downlink_only '5'
    option buffer_size '512'
    option loglevel 'debug'
    option access_log '1'
    option transparent_proxy_enable '1'
    option fast_dns ''
    option default_dns ''
    option tproxy_sniffing '1'
    option direct_bittorrent '1'
    option fw4_counter '1'
    option main_server 'cfg024a8f'
    option tproxy_udp_server 'cfg024a8f'
    option mark '255'
    option transparent_default_port_policy 'forwarded'
    list geoip_direct_code_list 'cn'
    option tproxy_port_tcp '1080'
    option tproxy_port_udp '1081'
    option socks_port '1082'
    option http_port '1083'
    option secure_dns ''
    list forwarded_domain_rules 'geosite:geolocation-!cn'
    option routing_domain_strategy 'AsIs'
    list wan_bp_ips ''
    list wan_bp_ips ''

config servers
    option alias 'VLESS'
    option server 'MyServerIP'
    option domain_strategy 'UseIP'
    option server_port '443'
    option password 'xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx'
    option protocol 'vless'
    option vless_encryption 'none'
    option vless_tls 'reality'
    option vless_flow_reality 'xtls-rprx-vision'
    option vless_reality_fingerprint 'randomized'
    option vless_reality_server_name 'www.microsoft.com'
    option vless_reality_public_key 'AUi-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
    option vless_reality_short_id 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'
    option transport 'tcp'
    option tcp_guise 'none'
    option dialer_proxy 'disabled'


table inet fw4 {
        set tp_spec_src_ac {
                type ether_addr
                size 65536

        set tp_spec_src_bp {
                type ether_addr
                size 65536

        set tp_spec_src_fw {
                type ether_addr
                size 65536

        set tp_spec_dst_sp {
                type ipv4_addr
                size 65536
                flags interval
                elements = {,,

        set tp_spec_dst_bp {
                type ipv4_addr
                size 65536
                flags interval
                elements = {, }

        set tp_spec_dst_fw {
                type ipv4_addr
                size 65536
                flags interval
                elements = { }

        set tp_spec_def_gw {
                type ipv4_addr
                size 65536
                flags interval
                elements = { MyIPv4 }

        chain xray_prerouting {
                meta nftrace set 1
                type filter hook prerouting priority filter; policy accept;
                meta mark 0x000000fc counter packets 1636 bytes 93502 goto tp_spec_wan_ac
                iifname "br-lan" counter packets 52796 bytes 14566695 goto tp_spec_lan_dg

        chain xray_output {
                type route hook output priority filter; policy accept;
                counter packets 50297 bytes 37316254 goto tp_spec_wan_dg

        chain tp_spec_lan_ac {
                ether saddr @tp_spec_src_bp counter packets 0 bytes 0 return
                ether saddr @tp_spec_src_fw counter packets 0 bytes 0 goto tp_spec_wan_fw
                ether saddr @tp_spec_src_ac counter packets 0 bytes 0 goto tp_spec_wan_ac
                counter packets 19058 bytes 1127862 goto tp_spec_wan_ac

        chain tp_spec_lan_dg {
                ip daddr @tp_spec_dst_fw counter packets 881 bytes 57698 goto tp_spec_lan_re
                ip daddr @tp_spec_dst_sp counter packets 33625 bytes 13429635 return
                ip daddr @tp_spec_dst_bp counter packets 16 bytes 1086 return
                ip daddr @tp_spec_def_gw counter packets 0 bytes 0 return
                counter packets 18274 bytes 1078276 goto tp_spec_lan_re

        chain tp_spec_lan_re {
                meta l4proto { tcp, udp } counter packets 19058 bytes 1127862 goto tp_spec_lan_ac

        chain tp_spec_wan_ac {
                ip daddr @tp_spec_dst_fw counter packets 866 bytes 56438 goto tp_spec_wan_fw
                ip daddr @tp_spec_dst_bp counter packets 0 bytes 0 return
                counter packets 19828 bytes 1164926 goto tp_spec_wan_fw

        chain tp_spec_wan_dg {
                meta mark 0x000000ff counter packets 24765 bytes 8569806 return
                ip daddr @tp_spec_dst_fw counter packets 0 bytes 0 goto tp_spec_wan_re
                ip daddr @tp_spec_dst_sp counter packets 22944 bytes 28476532 return
                ip daddr @tp_spec_dst_bp counter packets 0 bytes 0 return
                ip daddr @tp_spec_def_gw counter packets 0 bytes 0 return
                counter packets 2588 bytes 269916 goto tp_spec_wan_re

        chain tp_spec_wan_re {
                meta l4proto { tcp, udp } counter packets 1707 bytes 96342 meta mark set 0x000000fc

        chain tp_spec_wan_fw {
                meta l4proto tcp counter packets 17905 bytes 990748 meta mark set 0x000000fb tproxy ip to accept
                meta l4proto udp counter packets 2789 bytes 230616 meta mark set 0x000000fb tproxy ip to accept

        chain input {
                type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept;
                iifname "lo" accept comment "!fw4: Accept traffic from loopback"
                ct state established,related accept comment "!fw4: Allow inbound established and related flows"
                tcp flags syn / fin,syn,rst,ack jump syn_flood comment "!fw4: Rate limit TCP syn packets"
                iifname "br-lan" jump input_lan comment "!fw4: Handle lan IPv4/IPv6 input traffic"
                iifname "pppoe-wan" jump input_wan comment "!fw4: Handle wan IPv4/IPv6 input traffic"

        chain forward {
                type filter hook forward priority filter; policy drop;
                ct state established,related accept comment "!fw4: Allow forwarded established and related flows"
                iifname "br-lan" jump forward_lan comment "!fw4: Handle lan IPv4/IPv6 forward traffic"
                iifname "pppoe-wan" jump forward_wan comment "!fw4: Handle wan IPv4/IPv6 forward traffic"
                jump handle_reject

        chain output {
                type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept;
                oifname "lo" accept comment "!fw4: Accept traffic towards loopback"
                ct state established,related accept comment "!fw4: Allow outbound established and related flows"
                oifname "br-lan" jump output_lan comment "!fw4: Handle lan IPv4/IPv6 output traffic"
                oifname "pppoe-wan" jump output_wan comment "!fw4: Handle wan IPv4/IPv6 output traffic"

        chain prerouting {
                type filter hook prerouting priority filter; policy accept;
                iifname "br-lan" jump helper_lan comment "!fw4: Handle lan IPv4/IPv6 helper assignment"

        chain handle_reject {
                meta l4proto tcp reject with tcp reset comment "!fw4: Reject TCP traffic"
                reject comment "!fw4: Reject any other traffic"

        chain syn_flood {
                limit rate 25/second burst 50 packets return comment "!fw4: Accept SYN packets below rate-limit"
                drop comment "!fw4: Drop excess packets"

        chain input_lan {
                jump accept_from_lan

        chain output_lan {
                jump accept_to_lan

        chain forward_lan {
                jump accept_to_wan comment "!fw4: Accept lan to wan forwarding"
                jump accept_to_lan

        chain helper_lan {

        chain accept_from_lan {
                iifname "br-lan" counter packets 21274 bytes 1517572 accept comment "!fw4: accept lan IPv4/IPv6 traffic"

        chain accept_to_lan {
                oifname "br-lan" counter packets 218 bytes 31772 accept comment "!fw4: accept lan IPv4/IPv6 traffic"

        chain input_wan {
                meta nfproto ipv4 udp dport 68 counter packets 0 bytes 0 accept comment "!fw4: Allow-DHCP-Renew"
                icmp type echo-request counter packets 64 bytes 5388 accept comment "!fw4: Allow-Ping"
                meta nfproto ipv4 meta l4proto igmp counter packets 0 bytes 0 accept comment "!fw4: Allow-IGMP"
                meta nfproto ipv6 udp dport 546 counter packets 0 bytes 0 accept comment "!fw4: Allow-DHCPv6"
                ip6 saddr fe80::/10 icmpv6 type . icmpv6 code { mld-listener-query . no-route, mld-listener-report . no-route, mld-listener-done . no-route, mld2-listener-report . no-route } counter packets 0 bytes 0 accept comment "!fw4: Allow-MLD"
                icmpv6 type { destination-unreachable, time-exceeded, echo-request, echo-reply, nd-router-solicit, nd-router-advert } limit rate 1000/second counter packets 4 bytes 416 accept comment "!fw4: Allow-ICMPv6-Input"
                icmpv6 type . icmpv6 code { packet-too-big . no-route, parameter-problem . no-route, nd-neighbor-solicit . no-route, nd-neighbor-advert . no-route, parameter-problem . admin-prohibited } limit rate 1000/second counter packets 0 bytes 0 accept comment "!fw4: Allow-ICMPv6-Input"
                jump reject_from_wan

        chain output_wan {
                jump accept_to_wan

        chain forward_wan {
                icmpv6 type { destination-unreachable, time-exceeded, echo-request, echo-reply } limit rate 1000/second counter packets 0 bytes 0 accept comment "!fw4: Allow-ICMPv6-Forward"
                icmpv6 type . icmpv6 code { packet-too-big . no-route, parameter-problem . no-route, parameter-problem . admin-prohibited } limit rate 1000/second counter packets 0 bytes 0 accept comment "!fw4: Allow-ICMPv6-Forward"
                meta l4proto esp counter packets 0 bytes 0 jump accept_to_lan comment "!fw4: Allow-IPSec-ESP"
                udp dport 500 counter packets 0 bytes 0 jump accept_to_lan comment "!fw4: Allow-ISAKMP"
                jump reject_to_wan

        chain accept_to_wan {
                oifname "pppoe-wan" counter packets 342 bytes 23781 accept comment "!fw4: accept wan IPv4/IPv6 traffic"

        chain reject_from_wan {
                iifname "pppoe-wan" counter packets 1995 bytes 225008 jump handle_reject comment "!fw4: reject wan IPv4/IPv6 traffic"

        chain reject_to_wan {
                oifname "pppoe-wan" counter packets 0 bytes 0 jump handle_reject comment "!fw4: reject wan IPv4/IPv6 traffic"

        chain dstnat {
                type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat; policy accept;

        chain srcnat {
                type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
                oifname "pppoe-wan" jump srcnat_wan comment "!fw4: Handle wan IPv4/IPv6 srcnat traffic"

        chain srcnat_wan {
                meta nfproto ipv4 masquerade comment "!fw4: Masquerade IPv4 wan traffic"

        chain raw_prerouting {
                type filter hook prerouting priority raw; policy accept;

        chain raw_output {
                type filter hook output priority raw; policy accept;

        chain mangle_prerouting {
                type filter hook prerouting priority mangle; policy accept;

        chain mangle_postrouting {
                type filter hook postrouting priority mangle; policy accept;

        chain mangle_input {
                type filter hook input priority mangle; policy accept;

        chain mangle_output {
                type route hook output priority mangle; policy accept;

        chain mangle_forward {
                type filter hook forward priority mangle; policy accept;
                iifname "pppoe-wan" tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set rt mtu comment "!fw4: Zone wan IPv4/IPv6 ingress MTU fixing"
                oifname "pppoe-wan" tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set rt mtu comment "!fw4: Zone wan IPv4/IPv6 egress MTU fixing"

nft monitor trace

trace id 2d88d5a7 inet fw4 xray_prerouting packet: iif "br-lan" ether saddr 70:85:f3:e8:de:d5 ether daddr ca:4f:45:0c:3f:ae ip saddr ip daddr ip dsc
trace id 2d88d5a7 inet fw4 xray_prerouting rule meta nftrace set 1 (verdict continue)                                                                   
trace id 2d88d5a7 inet fw4 xray_prerouting rule iifname "br-lan" counter packets 2949 bytes 370949 goto tp_spec_lan_dg (verdict goto tp_spec_lan_dg)
trace id 2d88d5a7 inet fw4 tp_spec_lan_dg rule counter packets 2191 bytes 144384 goto tp_spec_lan_re (verdict goto tp_spec_lan_re)               
trace id 2d88d5a7 inet fw4 tp_spec_lan_re rule meta l4proto { tcp, udp } counter packets 2247 bytes 147820 goto tp_spec_lan_ac (verdict goto tp_spec_lan_ac)
trace id 2d88d5a7 inet fw4 tp_spec_lan_ac rule counter packets 2247 bytes 147820 goto tp_spec_wan_ac (verdict goto tp_spec_wan_ac)                                     
trace id 2d88d5a7 inet fw4 tp_spec_wan_ac rule counter packets 2267 bytes 146940 goto tp_spec_wan_fw (verdict goto tp_spec_wan_fw)                                                 
trace id 2d88d5a7 inet fw4 tp_spec_wan_fw rule meta l4proto tcp counter packets 2117 bytes 135197 meta mark set 0x000000fb tproxy ip to accept (verdict accept)


Wed Jul 12 08:39:16 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:16 [Warning] core: Xray 1.8.3 started
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Debug] [3263080835] proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Info] [3263080835] proxy/dokodemo: received request for
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Info] [3263080835] app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns_server_outbound] for [udp:]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Info] [3263080835] proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 accepted udp: [dns_server_inbound_5300 -> dns_server_outbound]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Debug] app/dns: domain catalog.gamepass.com matches following rules: [geosite:geolocation-!cn(DNS idx:2)]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Debug] app/dns: domain catalog.gamepass.com will use DNS in order: [UDP: UDP: UDP:]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Debug] app/dns: UDP: querying DNS for: catalog.gamepass.com.
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Debug] transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Info] transport/internet/udp: establishing new connection for udp:
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Info] app/dispatcher: taking detour [tcp_outbound] for [udp:]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Info] transport/internet/tcp: dialing TCP to tcp:MyServerIP:443
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Debug] transport/internet: dialing to tcp:MyServerIP:443
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 DNS accepted udp: [dns_conf_inbound -> tcp_outbound]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Debug] [3231053880] proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Info] [3231053880] proxy/dokodemo: received request for
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Info] [3231053880] app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns_server_outbound] for [udp:]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Info] [3231053880] proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 accepted udp: [dns_server_inbound_5301 -> dns_server_outbound]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Info] proxy/vless/outbound: tunneling request to udp: via MyServerIP:443
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Info] app/dns: UDP: got answer: catalog.gamepass.com. TypeA -> [] 108.508761ms
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Debug] app/dns: UDP: updating IP records for domain:catalog.gamepass.com.
Wed Jul 12 08:39:20 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:20 [Info] app/dns: UDP: got answer: catalog.gamepass.com. TypeA -> [] 136.538906ms
Wed Jul 12 08:39:24 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:24 [Debug] [1462679921] proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
Wed Jul 12 08:39:24 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:24 [Info] [1462679921] proxy/dokodemo: received request for
Wed Jul 12 08:39:24 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:24 [Info] [1462679921] app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns_server_outbound] for [udp:]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:24 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:24 [Info] [1462679921] proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
Wed Jul 12 08:39:24 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:24 accepted udp: [dns_server_inbound_5300 -> dns_server_outbound]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:24 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:24 [Debug] app/dns: domain v10.events.data.microsoft.com matches following rules: [geosite:geolocation-!cn(DNS idx:2)]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:24 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:24 [Debug] app/dns: domain v10.events.data.microsoft.com will use DNS in order: [UDP: UDP: UDP:]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:24 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:24 [Debug] app/dns: UDP: querying DNS for: v10.events.data.microsoft.com.
Wed Jul 12 08:39:24 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:24 [Debug] transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
Wed Jul 12 08:39:24 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:24 [Debug] [2393378482] proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
Wed Jul 12 08:39:24 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:24 [Info] [2393378482] proxy/dokodemo: received request for
Wed Jul 12 08:39:24 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:24 [Info] [2393378482] app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns_server_outbound] for [udp:]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:24 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:24 [Info] [2393378482] proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
Wed Jul 12 08:39:24 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:24 accepted udp: [dns_server_inbound_5301 -> dns_server_outbound]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:24 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:24 [Info] app/dns: UDP: got answer: v10.events.data.microsoft.com. TypeA -> [] 38.903624ms
Wed Jul 12 08:39:24 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:24 [Debug] app/dns: UDP: updating IP records for domain:v10.events.data.microsoft.com.
Wed Jul 12 08:39:24 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:24 [Info] app/dns: UDP: got answer: v10.events.data.microsoft.com. TypeA -> [] 35.722869ms
Wed Jul 12 08:39:25 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:25 [Debug] [3731593187] proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
Wed Jul 12 08:39:25 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:25 [Info] [3731593187] proxy/dokodemo: received request for
Wed Jul 12 08:39:25 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:25 [Info] [3731593187] app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns_server_outbound] for [udp:]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:25 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:25 [Info] [3731593187] proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
Wed Jul 12 08:39:25 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:25 accepted udp: [dns_server_inbound_5300 -> dns_server_outbound]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:25 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:25 [Debug] app/dns: domain gateway.discord.gg matches following rules: [geosite:geolocation-!cn(DNS idx:2) geosite:geolocation-!cn(DNS idx:2)]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:25 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:25 [Debug] app/dns: domain gateway.discord.gg will use DNS in order: [UDP: UDP: UDP:]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:25 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:25 [Debug] app/dns: UDP: querying DNS for: gateway.discord.gg.
Wed Jul 12 08:39:25 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:25 [Debug] transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
Wed Jul 12 08:39:25 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:25 [Debug] [3057002629] proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
Wed Jul 12 08:39:25 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:25 [Info] [3057002629] proxy/dokodemo: received request for
Wed Jul 12 08:39:25 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:25 [Info] [3057002629] app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns_server_outbound] for [udp:]
Wed Jul 12 08:39:25 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:39:25 accepted udp: [dns_server_inbound_5301 -> dns_server_outbound]
Wed Jul 12 08:53:35 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:53:35 [Info] [1285586463] proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
Wed Jul 12 08:53:35 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:53:35 accepted udp: [dns_server_inbound_5300 -> dns_server_outbound]
Wed Jul 12 08:53:35 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:53:35 [Debug] app/dns: domain google.com matches following rules: [geosite:geolocation-!cn(DNS idx:2)]
Wed Jul 12 08:53:35 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:53:35 [Debug] app/dns: domain google.com will use DNS in order: [UDP: UDP: UDP:]
Wed Jul 12 08:53:35 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:53:35 [Debug] app/dns: UDP: querying DNS for: google.com.
Wed Jul 12 08:53:35 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:53:35 [Debug] transport/internet/udp: dispatch request to: udp:
Wed Jul 12 08:53:35 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:53:35 [Debug] [1580324605] proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
Wed Jul 12 08:53:35 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:53:35 [Info] [1580324605] proxy/dokodemo: received request for
Wed Jul 12 08:53:35 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:53:35 [Info] [1580324605] app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns_server_outbound] for [udp:]
Wed Jul 12 08:53:35 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:53:35 [Info] [1580324605] proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
Wed Jul 12 08:53:35 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:53:35 accepted udp: [dns_server_inbound_5301 -> dns_server_outbound]
Wed Jul 12 08:53:35 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:53:35 [Info] app/dns: UDP: got answer: google.com. TypeA -> [] 44.609479ms
Wed Jul 12 08:53:35 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:53:35 [Debug] app/dns: UDP: updating IP records for domain:google.com.
Wed Jul 12 08:53:35 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:53:35 [Info] app/dns: UDP: got answer: google.com. TypeA -> [] 40.574242ms
Wed Jul 12 08:53:37 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:53:37 [Debug] [4203233403] proxy/dokodemo: processing connection from:
Wed Jul 12 08:53:37 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:53:37 [Info] [4203233403] proxy/dokodemo: received request for
Wed Jul 12 08:53:37 2023 daemon.info xray[47717]: 2023/07/12 00:53:37 [Info] [4203233403] app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns_server_outbound] for [udp:]

奇怪的是运行/etc/init.d/xray_fw4后继续xray -confdir /root/ ,我能得到两个同端口的监听,而且后者能正常获取tproxy输入的数据。 (但是会得到all retry attempts failed)

2023/07/12 02:07:35 [Warning] [2069067923] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/vless/outbound: failed to find an available destination > common/retry: [REALITY: processed invalid connection] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed
2023/07/12 02:07:35 [Info] [2069067923] app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > proxy/socks: connection ends > proxy/socks: failed to transport all TCP response > io: read/write on closed pipe


sc 2023-07-12 095701

yichya commented 1 year ago

检查一下 1080 端口上是不是有什么别的东西在 listen

Torinomii commented 1 year ago

检查一下 1080 端口上是不是有什么别的东西在 listen

1080 端口上没有其他东西在 listen ,/etc/init.d/xray_fw4 stop 后 1080, 1081 等端口停止 listen

尝试使用其他端口例如 7080, 7081 端口也和 1080 一样的状态收不到数据。

/etc/init.d/xray_fw4 stop 后的所有 listen

sc 2023-07-12 221203

yichya commented 1 year ago

其他的工具比如 passwall 之类试过嘛,没有用过 lxc 容器这种方式,不确定可能会有什么问题

Torinomii commented 1 year ago

好的,谢谢回复。 我再试试,不行就换回vm方式吧。