yichya / luci-app-xray

(Almost) full feature Xray client for OpenWrt
Mozilla Public License 2.0
555 stars 328 forks source link

Release v3.1.1 feedback #357

Closed yichya closed 6 months ago

yichya commented 9 months ago

Release v3.1.1 just fixed several minor issues. See changelog for details.

sdandroid commented 9 months ago

有些网站,浏览器第一次打不开要刷新下才行。浏览器 提示 err_timeout

Tue Oct 31 13:46:55 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:46:55 [Info] [867623427] proxy/dokodemo: received request for
Tue Oct 31 13:46:55 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:46:55 [Info] [867623427] app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns_server_outbound] for [udp:]
Tue Oct 31 13:46:55 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:46:55 [Info] [867623427] proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
Tue Oct 31 13:46:55 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:46:55 accepted udp: [dns_server_inbound:5300 -> dns_server_outbound]
Tue Oct 31 13:46:56 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:46:56 [Info] app/dns: UDP: got answer: github.com. TypeA -> [] 163.209908ms
Tue Oct 31 13:46:56 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:46:56 UDP: got answer: github.com -> [] 163.217068ms
Tue Oct 31 13:47:04 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:47:04 [Info] [3227581508] app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > proxy/dokodemo: connection ends > context canceled
Tue Oct 31 13:47:24 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:47:24 [Info] [670810133] proxy/dokodemo: received request for 192.168.1.xxx:41890
Tue Oct 31 13:47:24 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:47:24 [Info] [670810133] app/dispatcher: sniffed domain: github.com
yichya commented 9 months ago

有些网站,浏览器第一次打不开要刷新下才行。浏览器 提示 err_timeout

Tue Oct 31 13:46:55 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:46:55 [Info] [867623427] proxy/dokodemo: received request for
Tue Oct 31 13:46:55 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:46:55 [Info] [867623427] app/dispatcher: taking detour [dns_server_outbound] for [udp:]
Tue Oct 31 13:46:55 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:46:55 [Info] [867623427] proxy/dns: handling DNS traffic to udp:
Tue Oct 31 13:46:55 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:46:55 accepted udp: [dns_server_inbound:5300 -> dns_server_outbound]
Tue Oct 31 13:46:56 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:46:56 [Info] app/dns: UDP: got answer: github.com. TypeA -> [] 163.209908ms
Tue Oct 31 13:46:56 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:46:56 UDP: got answer: github.com -> [] 163.217068ms
Tue Oct 31 13:47:04 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:47:04 [Info] [3227581508] app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > proxy/dokodemo: connection ends > context canceled
Tue Oct 31 13:47:24 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:47:24 [Info] [670810133] proxy/dokodemo: received request for 192.168.1.xxx:41890
Tue Oct 31 13:47:24 2023 daemon.info xray[4566]: 2023/10/31 05:47:24 [Info] [670810133] app/dispatcher: sniffed domain: github.com

建议关掉 sniffing 试试

sdandroid commented 9 months ago

还是有问题 ,还多了一种 ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED。2.X 没这个问题

yichya commented 9 months ago

还是有问题 ,还多了一种 ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED。2.X 没这个问题


ram108 commented 8 months ago

A big thanks to the author for a great module and for the excellent support.

hutozh commented 8 months ago

现在用的3.0,3.1没下载到。 现在的问题是在外网无法访问内网,但是在内网通过公网IP可以访问内网。


ram108 commented 8 months ago

@yichya Whats happen? Will you continue to develop the app?

hutozh commented 8 months ago

开启透明代理后系统时间无法同步。 直接点同步浏览器时间可以,点与NTP服务器同步不可以。

yichya commented 8 months ago

开启透明代理后系统时间无法同步。 直接点同步浏览器时间可以,点与NTP服务器同步不可以。


hutozh commented 8 months ago

开启透明代理后系统时间无法同步。 直接点同步浏览器时间可以,点与NTP服务器同步不可以。


我这个还是不可以。无论加在直连还是转发都不行。 直接在浏览器访问openwrt.pool.ntp.org,跳转到https://felixc.at/。手机开启v2rayng 在访问就显示不支持的安全协议。

iusearch commented 8 months ago
Fri Dec  1 05:40:35 2023 daemon.info xray[4555]: 2023/11/30 21:40:35 accepted tcp: [tproxy_tcp_inbound_v4 -> direct]
Fri Dec  1 05:40:35 2023 daemon.info xray[4555]: 2023/11/30 21:40:35 accepted tcp: [tproxy_tcp_inbound_v4 -> direct]
Fri Dec  1 05:40:35 2023 daemon.info xray[4555]: 2023/11/30 21:40:35 accepted tcp: [tproxy_tcp_inbound_v4 -> direct]
Fri Dec  1 05:40:35 2023 daemon.info xray[4555]: 2023/11/30 21:40:35 accepted tcp: [tproxy_tcp_inbound_v4 -> direct]
Fri Dec  1 05:40:35 2023 daemon.info xray[4555]: 2023/11/30 21:40:35 accepted tcp: [tproxy_tcp_inbound_v4 -> direct]


iusearch commented 7 months ago
Fri Dec  1 05:40:35 2023 daemon.info xray[4555]: 2023/11/30 21:40:35 accepted tcp: [tproxy_tcp_inbound_v4 -> direct]
Fri Dec  1 05:40:35 2023 daemon.info xray[4555]: 2023/11/30 21:40:35 accepted tcp: [tproxy_tcp_inbound_v4 -> direct]
Fri Dec  1 05:40:35 2023 daemon.info xray[4555]: 2023/11/30 21:40:35 accepted tcp: [tproxy_tcp_inbound_v4 -> direct]
Fri Dec  1 05:40:35 2023 daemon.info xray[4555]: 2023/11/30 21:40:35 accepted tcp: [tproxy_tcp_inbound_v4 -> direct]
Fri Dec  1 05:40:35 2023 daemon.info xray[4555]: 2023/11/30 21:40:35 accepted tcp: [tproxy_tcp_inbound_v4 -> direct]



hqvv commented 7 months ago

现在用的3.0,3.1没下载到。 现在的问题是在外网无法访问内网,但是在内网通过公网IP可以访问内网。


这个可以通过把 Default Ports Policy 改成 bypassed 模式来解决吧

hutozh commented 7 months ago

这个可以通过把 Default Ports Policy 改成 bypassed 模式来解决吧


hutozh commented 7 months ago

Mon Dec 11 17:38:47 2023 daemon.info xray[6694]: 2023/12/11 09:38:47 [Warning] transport/internet/tcp: failed to accepted raw connections > accept tcp [::]:1082: accept4: too many open files Mon Dec 11 17:38:47 2023 daemon.info xray[6694]: 2023/12/11 09:38:47 [Warning] transport/internet/tcp: failed to accepted raw connections > accept tcp [::]:5300: accept4: too many open files Mon Dec 11 17:38:47 2023 daemon.info xray[6694]: 2023/12/11 09:38:47 [Warning] [3774085439] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/vless/outbound: failed to find an available destination > common/retry: [dial tcp : socket: too many open files] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed Mon Dec 11 17:38:47 2023 daemon.info xray[6694]: 2023/12/11 09:38:47 [Warning] [3328742173] app/proxyman/outbound: failed to process outbound traffic > proxy/vless/outbound: failed to find an available destination > common/retry: [dial tcp : socket: too many open files] > common/retry: all retry attempts failed Mon Dec 11 17:38:47 2023 daemon.info xray[6694]: 2023/12/11 09:38:47 [Warning] transport/internet/tcp: failed to accepted raw connections > accept tcp [::]:1082: accept4: too many open files Mon Dec 11 17:38:47 2023 daemon.info xray[6694]: 2023/12/11 09:38:47 [Warning] transport/internet/tcp: failed to accepted raw connections > accept tcp [::]:5300: accept4: too many open files Mon Dec 11 17:38:48 2023 user.warn xray[24247]: Generating Xray configuration files...



yichya commented 7 months ago



贴一下 cat /proc/`pidof xray`/limits

hutozh commented 7 months ago

现在又有新的问题,打开一段时间就无法上网。 哪位能给个旧版本或者3.1.1,我试试。

贴一下 cat /proc/`pidof xray`/limits

Limit Soft Limit Hard Limit Units
Max cpu time unlimited unlimited seconds
Max file size unlimited unlimited bytes
Max data size unlimited unlimited bytes
Max stack size 8388608 unlimited bytes
Max core file size 0 unlimited bytes
Max resident set unlimited unlimited bytes
Max processes 3960 3960 processes Max open files 16384 16384 files
Max locked memory 65536 65536 bytes
Max address space unlimited unlimited bytes
Max file locks unlimited unlimited locks
Max pending signals 3960 3960 signals
Max msgqueue size 819200 819200 bytes
Max nice priority 0 0
Max realtime priority 0 0
Max realtime timeout unlimited unlimited us


yichya commented 7 months ago

16384 已经不小了,估计是你这儿有啥回环之类的情况,可能需要你自己检查一下

hutozh commented 7 months ago

这个可以通过把 Default Ports Policy 改成 bypassed 模式来解决吧


时间同步现在凑合能用了。先解析出一个能用的IP,然后hosts绑定,然后Transparent Proxy Rules里跳过这个IP。 在DNS里输入域名不能用,解析出来的IP地址好多也是国外的,应该还是被转发了。

yichya commented 7 months ago

时间同步现在凑合能用了。先解析出一个能用的IP,然后hosts绑定,然后Transparent Proxy Rules里跳过这个IP。 在DNS里输入域名不能用,解析出来的IP地址好多也是国外的,应该还是被转发了。

如果你的网络搞不定 NTP 的话直接把 UDP 端口 123 设置成 Bypassed 比较省事儿,不过这个事情好像看脸,我这边再看看

hutozh commented 7 months ago

16384 已经不小了,估计是你这儿有啥回环之类的情况,可能需要你自己检查一下


hutozh commented 7 months ago

如果你的网络搞不定 NTP 的话直接把 UDP 端口 123 设置成 Bypassed 比较省事儿,不过这个事情好像看脸,我这边再看看


yichya commented 7 months ago


你这儿正常情况下 Active Connections 多少啊


hutozh commented 7 months ago


你这儿正常情况下 Active Connections 多少啊



yichya commented 7 months ago


把 Metrics 打开,下次有问题的时候顺便贴一下 http://openwrt.lan:18888/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1


hutozh commented 7 months ago


把 Metrics 打开,下次有问题的时候顺便贴一下 http://openwrt.lan:18888/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1


这个问题一天都没有重现。 ntp添加123端口也可以了。

不添加123端口时,看日志也是直连。 Tue Dec 12 17:57:10 2023 daemon.info xray[7434]: 2023/12/12 09:57:10 [Info] [1953814625] app/dispatcher: taking detour [direct] for [udp:] Tue Dec 12 17:57:10 2023 daemon.info xray[7434]: 2023/12/12 09:57:10 [Info] [1953814625] proxy/freedom: connection opened to udp:, local endpoint [::]:39759, remote endpoint Tue Dec 12 17:57:10 2023 daemon.info xray[7434]: 2023/12/12 09:57:10 [Info] [192226525] proxy/dokodemo: received request for Tue Dec 12 17:57:10 2023 daemon.info xray[7434]: 2023/12/12 09:57:10 [Info] [192226525] app/proxyman/inbound: connection ends > fake: socket bind: address already in use