yidie / STAT545-hw-Feng-Yidie

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hw03 ready for grading #3

Open yidie opened 6 years ago

Jennica416 commented 6 years ago

I thought your assignment was really well done and appreciated the short descriptions interpreting the data. One idea: you might want to use the spell check feature in RStudio as there were a few typos in the report and this is a easy way to avoid that.

Q1 Min and Max GDP • I think it was helpful to have the two on the same graph, although the way you choose to display them made it hard to compare min and max values across continents. You may want to think about using a bar graph to allow an easier visual comparison. • Good job on relabeling the axes

Q2 Spread of GDP per capita • Really liked your boxplot as it allows a clear visual to answer the question (seeing the outliers really helps and is quite interesting) . My one concern is comparing GDP per capita for all years as interpreting this can be challenging due to the influence of year. It might have been better to select a specific year to compare distribution within a continent. • I would have appreciated a sentence or two more interpreting the data (e.g. Europe has the widest interquartile range while Africa has the smallest) • Liked that the plot was coloured by continent to assist in interpretation

Q3 Life Expectancy changing over time • Good job creating the mean life expectancy by continent and year (great piping) • The interpretation of the graphs were great. I appreciated that you compared two different methods.

sepkamal commented 6 years ago


Nice assignment!

Here are some thoughts.

Min and Max:

GDP spread:

Life exp changing:

Overall it would also be a good bonus if you could give more of a reflection.

...Just noticed your extra thoughts in the readme. Might be better to put this at the bottom of your main file. But it's good and glad you included it. Still have room to add more though!

Cheers, Sep