yidie / STAT545-hw-Feng-Yidie

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hw04 ready for grading #4

Open yidie opened 6 years ago

yidie commented 6 years ago

Last commit: b537826

sdhanani commented 6 years ago

You do a good job reshaping the data and using the spread function and plotting the life expectancy and you do a good job showing what the new data shape can plot and you explain why you think one format is better over the other for what you would be interested in plotting. It would have been nice for you to show a bit of what the regular format of the data was before using spread so that it would be easier to compare the two tables.

You do a good job producing a second gapmider data.frame that purposefully has missing information in order to better demonstrate the different joins. You describe each type of join you look at well but it would have been nice if you had kept using the kable function for the table outputs as it would make the assingment much easier to read.

Your code is concise and easy to read and follow showing steps broken down into logical steps to create a solution to the task at hand. You show competency in both presentation of graphs through modifying themes and using kable (although you might've wanted to use it more) but show competency of the material learned in class.

Good job!

zxkathy commented 6 years ago

Hi @yidie, this is Kathy who visited your hw4 and here are some of my comments:

Dataset Reshaping:

Joining Datasets:


Well done! Clear logic and structures, proper comments and neat code!

derekcho commented 6 years ago

Hi @yidie, here are some comments about your hw04:

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