yidie / STAT545-hw-Feng-Yidie

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hw05 ready for grading #5

Open yidie opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Hi @yidie ,

This my peer review for your Hw05. The README.md file contains all the proper links to your assignment, as well as some useful online resources. Now, let's proceed to your tasks:

1. Factor Management. Correct use of the filter() function for dropping Oceania from column continent, and I also liked that you kept a detailed tracking on how you drop that factor level as well. You correctly addressed the null effect of function arrange() on a figure (regarding the plotting order in factor levels). In terms of the subset gap_america_2002, we followed a similar procedure when plotting a given factor while taking into account some other metric for reordering its levels with fct_reorder(). However, I saw that you didn't drop the levels in country that don't appear in gap_america_2002. It's advisable to do that when subsetting certain factor levels.

2. File I/O. Good exploration of all the suggested functions, as well as the effect of each file format on factor levels.

3. Visualization design. Good use of the new tools suggested in class. However, I'd work out more on the plot aesthetics (axes, scales, and titles). Theggplot2()website offers really useful help.

4. Writing figures to file. Good use of ggsave().

Overall, way to go!



CassKon commented 6 years ago

Homework 5 review

Overall great work and exploration!

derekcho commented 6 years ago

Hi @yidie! Here are some comments about your hw05:

Note: your mark (check minus, check, check plus) will be distributed later.