yidie / STAT545-hw-Feng-Yidie

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hw08 ready for grading #8

Open yidie opened 6 years ago

yidie commented 6 years ago

last commit: 8463e74 completed app

margotgunning commented 6 years ago

Hi @yidie

Overall, I think you did a really nice job adapting your BCL shiny app. I chose to do the same thing for my app, and I really like how you added colours to your histogram, and how you sorted by ascending price (both things I did not add to my own app). So by looking at your serve/ui code, I was able to learn how I could have added them to my app.

It was great that you added your new features in your main README because I was able to see everything that you did, and I definitely would have missed something otherwise. In your progress report, I liked how you showed some errors you got, and how you solved them; and I really liked the note you put in about how the server/ui talk to each other through inputs and outputs because I thought it was a really nice way to iterate the link between the two code files.

Your code was really clean, and easy to follow. I did not hash any comments out in my code, and I think that it was a good addition in yours. The only real suggest that I have would be to change the width on the BCL pciture so it lines up with the side panel box, but that's purely aesthetic.

Again, nice job!

Cheers, M

vanflad commented 6 years ago


I agree with the peer review above that you did a great job in creating a great Shiny app and detailing and explaining your process as you worked through and I agree that Shiny apps are cool and the hints and exploration provided some familiarity with this type of interactive data! I particularly enjoyed the plot and table being in different tabs and the user being able to select the colour of the graph, since I didn't incorporate those into my assignment, it was really neat to see those in action! Great job adding many interesting and creative features and I also really appreciated the server/ui analogy of the files not being able to see each other because I made similar mistakes assuming they were kind of interchangeable at first, then realizing they "speak to each other" with certain matching functions to connect the inputs and outputs. Great job!



derekcho commented 6 years ago

Hi @yidie, here are some comments about your hw08:

App split into ui.R and server.R: Yes Deployed on shinyapps.io: Yes Repo has code and README: Yes Number of features implemented: 8 Progress report: Yes

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