yifanlu0227 / CoAlign

[ICRA2023] CoAlign: Robust Collaborative 3D Object Detection in Presence of Pose Errors
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Request for hypes_yaml/dairv2x Camera YAML #17

Closed WangzcBruce closed 9 months ago

WangzcBruce commented 11 months ago

Hello, I've been going through your project and am looking for the camera yaml file in hypes_yaml/dairv2x. Would you be able to provide this file? It would be greatly helpful for my research. Thank you very much! 您好,打扰了。请问能够提供hypes_yaml/dairv2x中的camera yaml吗?非常感谢!

yifanlu0227 commented 11 months ago

Sure. It is very similar to the yaml config file for OPV2V. Here is an example:

name: dair_lss_coalign_fusion
data_dir: "dataset/my_dair_v2x/v2x_c/cooperative-vehicle-infrastructure"
root_dir: "dataset/my_dair_v2x/v2x_c/cooperative-vehicle-infrastructure/train.json"
validate_dir: "dataset/my_dair_v2x/v2x_c/cooperative-vehicle-infrastructure/val.json"
test_dir: "dataset/my_dair_v2x/v2x_c/cooperative-vehicle-infrastructure/val.json"

yaml_parser: "load_lift_splat_shoot_params"
  batch_size: &batch_size 2
  epoches: 50
  eval_freq: 2
  save_freq: 2
  max_cav: 5

input_source: ['camera']
label_type: 'camera'

comm_range: 100

  core_method: 'intermediate'
  dataset: 'dairv2x'
    proj_first: false # useless
    grid_conf: &grid_conf
      xbound: [-102.4, 102.4, 0.4]   # Limit the range of the x direction and divide the grids
      ybound: [-51.2, 51.2, 0.4]   # Limit the range of the y direction and divide the grids
      zbound: [-10, 10, 20.0]   # Limit the range of the z direction and divide the grids
      ddiscr: [2, 100, 98]
      mode: 'LID' # or 'UD'
    data_aug_conf: &data_aug_conf
      resize_lim: [0.27, 0.28]
      final_dim: [288, 512]
      rot_lim: [0, 0]
      H: 1080
      W: 1920
      rand_flip: False
      bot_pct_lim: [0.0, 0.05]
      cams: ['camera0', 'camera1', 'camera2', 'camera3'] # placeholder. no use
      Ncams: 4 # placeholder. no use

# preprocess-related
  # options: BasePreprocessor, VoxelPreprocessor, BevPreprocessor
  core_method: 'SpVoxelPreprocessor'
    voxel_size: &voxel_size [0.4, 0.4, 5] # useful
    max_points_per_voxel: 32  # useless
    max_voxel_train: 32000  # useless
    max_voxel_test: 70000  # useless
  # detection range for each individual cav.
  cav_lidar_range: &cav_lidar [-102.4, -51.2, -3.5, 102.4, 51.2, 1.5]

data_augment: # useless
  - NAME: random_world_flip
    ALONG_AXIS_LIST: [ 'x' ]

  - NAME: random_world_rotation
    WORLD_ROT_ANGLE: [ -0.78539816, 0.78539816 ]

  - NAME: random_world_scaling
    WORLD_SCALE_RANGE: [ 0.95, 1.05 ]

# anchor box related
  core_method: 'VoxelPostprocessor' # VoxelPostprocessor, BevPostprocessor supported
  gt_range: *cav_lidar
    cav_lidar_range: *cav_lidar
    l: 4.5
    w: 2
    h: 1.56
    feature_stride: 2
    r: &anchor_yaw [0, 90]
    num: &achor_num 2
    pos_threshold: 0.6
    neg_threshold: 0.45
    score_threshold: 0.20
  order: 'hwl' # hwl or lwh
  max_num: 100 # maximum number of objects in a single frame. use this number to make sure different frames has the same dimension in the same batch
  nms_thresh: 0.15
  dir_args: &dir_args
    dir_offset: 0.7853
    num_bins: 2
    anchor_yaw: *anchor_yaw

# model related
  core_method: lift_splat_shoot_intermediate
    anchor_number: *achor_num
    grid_conf: *grid_conf
    data_aug_conf: *data_aug_conf
    dir_args: *dir_args
    img_downsample: 8
    img_features: &img_feature 128
    use_depth_gt: false
    depth_supervision: false
    supervise_single: true
    bevout_feature: 128
    camera_encoder: EfficientNet

      core_method: att_ms # support att_ms and max_ms
        voxel_size: *voxel_size
        in_channels: *img_feature

  core_method: point_pillar_loss
    pos_cls_weight: 2.0
      type: 'SigmoidFocalLoss'
      alpha: 0.25
      gamma: 2.0
      weight: 1.0
      type: 'WeightedSmoothL1Loss'
      sigma: 3.0
      codewise: true
      weight: 2.0

  core_method: Adam
  lr: 0.0015
    eps: 1e-10
    weight_decay: 1e-4

  core_method: multistep #step, multistep and Exponential support
  gamma: 0.1
  step_size: [25, 40]

Notice that the range I set is very large [- + 102.4, - + 51.2], you can modify it as you like. I've been busy lately and haven't tested this yaml yet. Please let me know if there is something wrong with it. It is very close to the version of opv2v, and only needs to modify the interface related to the data.