yifeikong / curl_cffi

Python binding for curl-impersonate via cffi. A http client that can impersonate browser tls/ja3/http2 fingerprints.
MIT License
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[Feature] release for android arm64 #248

Open krolaper opened 4 months ago

krolaper commented 4 months ago

will there be a release for android arm64? I'm using kivy + buildozer. And in the code there is a duckduckgo_search library that interacts with curl_cffi. It is very important for me to find a solution to compile for my OS.

krolaper commented 4 months ago

Sorry. I just saw that the update came out and everything worked. The topic can be closed

yifeikong commented 4 months ago

What update?

krolaper commented 4 months ago

@yifeikong I thought duckduckgo_search was corrected. But no, everything is the same. When launching the apk, after compiling in buiildozer. The architecture still cannot work properly.

.buildozer/android/platform/build-arm64-v8a/build/python-installs/AIGodOSINT/arm64-v8a/curl_cffi/__init__.py", line 15, in <module>
02-17 10:32:49.397  2559  2640 I python  :  ImportError: dlopen failed: "/data/data/codeberg.org.aigodosint/files/app/_python_bundle/site-packages/curl_cffi/_wrapper.so" is for EM_X86_64 (62) instead of EM_AARCH64 (183)

still needs an implementation for arm64. You have aarch64.whl, but unfortunately it is not recognized by the system. I've already tried to install it, no problem. It also didn’t work out to package curl_cffi directly in Android. I will be very grateful for such a decision.

yifeikong commented 4 months ago

_wrapper.so should be easier to fix, since you can build the wheel for android anyway. Another bigger problem is that libcurl-impersonate.so was built with glibc, which is not available on Android, and we will first try to make it work.

krolaper commented 4 months ago

@yifeikong It's not easy, but I hope you can do it.