yihong0618 / running_page

Make your own running home page
MIT License
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没有生成新的svg, 越500kb? #588

Closed zpengcom closed 6 months ago

zpengcom commented 6 months ago

你好,我是在windows本地运行 在项目目录中执行生成svg图形: python3 run_page/gen_svg.py --from-db --title Running --type github --athlete peng --special-distance 10 --special-distance2 20 --special-color yellow --special-color2 red --output assets/github.svg --use-localtime --min-distance 0.5


多次尝试有过一条通知 [BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of F:\ABC\workouts_page\assets\grid.svg as it exceeds the max of 500KB.

我用的是https://github.com/ben-29/workouts_page 的项目,但似乎应该把问题提在这里

yihong0618 commented 6 months ago

[BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of F:\ABC\workouts_page\assets\grid.svg as it exceeds the max of 500KB. 忽略这条。他告诉你 500k 会影响性能不是没生成

zpengcom commented 6 months ago

[BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of F:\ABC\workouts_page\assets\grid.svg as it exceeds the max of 500KB.

忽略这条。他告诉你 500k 会影响性能不是没生成

不好意思 浪费你时间了,我知道问题是怎么产生的了:这项目是我从另一台电脑上直接拷贝过来的,所有的脚本都不能运行 我看看怎么解决吧

yihong0618 commented 6 months ago
