yihui / animation

A gallery of animations in statistics and utilities to create animations
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Use other packages apart from Graphicsmagick/Imagemagick #96

Open skanskan opened 7 years ago

skanskan commented 7 years ago


It would be great to be able to use other packages.

The main problem when creating animations is the long time it takes to generate everything. Specially noticeable when you want to create many animations withing a large knitr file.

I guess it's not only Imagegraphics fault but ggplot itself. Anyway, I've found this benchmark: http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk/index.php?title=Speed_and_Memory_Use

VIPS is 3.5 times faster and needs 10 times less memory.

How can I force animation package to use it?


yulijia commented 7 years ago

Sorry, by now, we only support ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick.