yihui / knitr

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opts_current locking in 1.44 is breaking JuliaCall #2295

Closed cderv closed 9 months ago

cderv commented 9 months ago

@yihui Just to track this in order to help them solve this as for now CRAN version of Julia does not work with knitr 1.44 when plots.

it came up in

JuliaCall is using opts_current$set, so they need to update but it seems they did not see problem yet. https://github.com/Non-Contradiction/JuliaCall/blob/c05473bea78a0197c639f7e82ab1c6f2e943e1cc/R/RMarkdown.R#L56C1-L60

It seems there is a stale maintenance question though there...

So hopefully we can help.

yihui commented 9 months ago

I tend to change the error to warning for now.

bschneidr commented 4 months ago

Perhaps knitr could rely on JuliaConnectoR instead of JuliaCall?


JuliaCall doesn't seem to be actively maintained, whereas JuliaConnectoR is actively maintained and seems much better documented (for example, it now has a detailed JSS paper).

yihui commented 4 months ago

@bschneidr The status of JuliaCall is indeed a little concerning, but the nice thing is this: https://github.com/Non-Contradiction/JuliaCall/blob/master/R/RMarkdown.R i.e., it has provided an engine function that can be set via knitr::knit_engine$set(). If JuliaConnectoR also provides such a function, I'll be happy to support it on knitr's side. Thank you!

cderv commented 4 months ago

@bschneidr I would advise opening an issue at https://github.com/stefan-m-lenz/JuliaConnectoR for a julia engine for knitr.

We can then chime in if help is needed for that. Thank you !