Closed melindahiggins2000 closed 8 years ago
PS. I'm running the RStudio preview version 0.99.1220
I cannot tell what the problem is from your description. You can execute this in R and see what the exact error message is:
system2("C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-33~1.0/bin/x64/Rscript", c("build.R", "_source/2014-09-28-jekyll-with-knitr.Rmd", "_posts/"))
Thank you for your suggestion. Here are my results:
> system2("C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-33~1.0/bin/x64/Rscript", c("build.R", "_source/2014-09-28-jekyll-with-knitr.Rmd", "_posts/"))
Quitting from lines 60-60 (_source/2014-09-28-jekyll-with-knitr.Rmd)
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'jekyll' not found
Calls: local ... capture.output -> evalVis -> withVisible -> eval -> eval
Execution halted
Warning message:
running command '"C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-33~1.0/bin/x64/Rscript" build.R _source/2014-09-28-jekyll-with-knitr.Rmd _posts/' had status 1
I found the offending lines in the 2014-09-28-jekyll-with-knitr.Rmd
file - at row 60-61, the r code chunk
{r code=formatR::usage(jekyll), eval=FALSE}
throws an error stating that it cannot find the jekyll
object. I tried installing and loading the formatR
package and running it again. In the console typing the command formatR::usage(jekyll)
runs fine, but for some reason here in the code chunk it causes a compilation error.
Is there something I need to do to get the code=formatR::usage(jekyll)
r chunk option to work?
If I remove (comment out) this code chunk, everything works perfectly.
Thank you for your time and feedback.
Also if I move the code into the chunk block instead of in the header, the rmd
file compiles and the jekyll live update works fine. So, here is my edit
```{r eval=FALSE}
the above code chunk works fine, but this one with the code in the r chunk header does not
```{r code=formatR::usage(jekyll), eval=FALSE}```
Maybe I need an update to the knitr
package or perhaps be using the development version?
Thanks for providing the error message. I just fixed the Rmd source document in the knitr-jekyll repo. Instead of formatR::usage(jekyll)
, I should have used formatR::usage(servr::jekyll)
Great. Glad to help. Thank you again for the quick response. Wonderful package!
I cloned the site. From there, I tried editing one of the RMD files for the blog post while running servr::jekyll() to watch it update in real time. When I do, I get the following error:
After hitting STOP, I then get the next error message:
However, if I run
system("jekyll b)
to build the site and then runservr::jekyll()
the files have been created and I can see the updates from RMD blog file. But I cannot seem to get this to work in real time.Note: When running jekyll from a "Administrator Start Command Prompt with Ruby" (i.e. the Windows command window), I can run
jekyll s
, open a browser window athttp://
and then when I edit the MD files, I see real time updates to the website after refreshing the browser.My sessionInfo() is:
I'm sure this is a Windows specific issue - perhaps something having to do with path assignments. I am running the following version of Ruby, jekyll and these gems:
I also have a Gemfile located in this directory which references the
gem.Directory contents:
This edit is suggested at the Ruby documentation for listen, see
Thank you for your help. I'm hoping someone else may have run into this issue with Windows and maybe knows a workaround.
I really like the
package even without the live updating feature working on Windows.